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Handle Exception from LCDS


Former Community Member


I am using Flex 4 with LCDS 3. I am having problems with properly handling


I have a simple commit service like;

var commitToken:AsyncToken =

_serviceName.serviceControl.commit(); // Commit the change.

commitToken.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(

function (event:ResultEvent,



Alert.show("DATA DELETED");


function (event:FaultEvent,



Alert.show("Save failed: " +

event.fault.faultString, "Error");



Now when I try to delete a row which has a child record I get the following

error in my tomcat log;

hdr(DSEndpoint) = my-rtmp

hdr(DSId) = 9AFF219A-AB2A-3B60-D990-9E87A3D7CF71

java.lang.RuntimeException: Hibernate jdbc exception on operation=deleteItem

error=Could not execute JDBC batch update : sqlError = from SQLException:

java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (CATEGORY_FK)

violated - child record found

followed by;

[LCDS]Serializing AMF/RTMP response

Version: 3

(Command method=_error (0) trxId=10.0)

(Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage')

rootCause = (Typed Object #1 'org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER')

minor = 0

localizedMessage = "The Servant has not been associated with an ORB


message = "The Servant has not been associated with an ORB instance"

cause = null

completed = (Typed Object #2 'org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus')

destination = "CATEGORY"

headers = (Object #3)

correlationId = "D4B6573F-F8C2-0732-BD1C-6FD1C5979763"

faultString = "Error occurred completing a transaction"

messageId = "9AFF6D9A-3C1C-E99B-B00F-92E72069B64E"

faultCode = "Server.Processing"

timeToLive = 0.0

extendedData = null

faultDetail = null

clientId = "C2F15FE1-2977-23AA-1ADD-6FD1C096A82F"

timestamp = 1.281776280572E12

body = null

In flex in my "event" in the fault function I can only get general data like

"Error occurred completing a transaction", but I cannot access the error


Is there a way to access it, as I need to handle multiple exceptions that Oracle

will catch such as duplicate ID.....
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