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Full Justification


Level 1

We are having a problem with using full justification on text boxes for user input. For standard text we place on the form it works fine, but in a text field that a user types in, it is justifying the entire paragraph, including the last line, even if the last line is only a couple words, it spreads them across the whole line, which looks horrible with one to two inches of white space between each word. I have tried using the javascript on the layout ready event, as I saw that suggested, but it does the same thing.

I should mention it only does this once you hit enter after the last line. Example, you type a paragraph, then hit enter to go down and begin another paragraph. If you only type one paragraph, and do not hit enter on the last line, it does not try and justify it. So basically, any line, even a single line of text will be full justified if you hit enter at the end of the line.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Message was edited by: USPO

1 Reply


Level 1

Further research indicates this is apparently a known problem with adobe, one group I talked to indicated they had calls about it going back close to a year. With calls going back that far, I can only assume there is no fix forth coming any time soon. Perhaps this may help someone else who runs across this from wasting much time trying to figure it out.

We are proceeding to develop forms with this requirement in other applications.
