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Fragment de-linking from form


Level 2

I have a consistent problem with fragments within my forms de-linking from the document for no reason.  I open up an existing form and all that appears for each of my fragments is a purple box.  When I go down to the object palette, the link to where the fragment is still exist so Livecycle knows where the fragment is.

The most recent case I had was that I edited on of my fragments.  Now, all the fragments that I have on my 200+ forms are delinked.  None of the fragments were moved to a different folder or anything.

Does anyone know what would cause this and how I can fix it?  Relinking fragments on 200+ forms could take a few hours.

4 Replies


Level 3

I've had this happen to me but when I preview or save the form and open in acrobat the fragaments are there so I stopped worrying about it. Can you confirm the fragments are gone when you preview?


Level 2

No, the fragments are not there on preview status or when I open the actual PDF.


Level 3

When you right click \ fragement info it also shows you the right path? If so I am sorry I cannot help.


Former Community Member

Is the path to the fragment reachable when this happens? Where are the fragments stord in relation to the form?
