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Form once saved, data is disappearing on the offline form!


Level 8


I am lauching my_form on IE browser on the 3/4 of the screen of GUI (Graphical User Interface of SAP), on the rest of the screen i put some GUI push buttons for SUBMIT (am not using Adobe's SUBMIT button). By chance if user forgets any mandatory field populating, then am throwing a GUI popup message, then the user closes this popup message, well, but

1) User can see physically data presenting on the form, but when user SAVEs the form by pressing Adobe's SAVE button.....the SAVEd copy on the local PC does not holding any data! all the form is blank

This is happening if popup comes up and user closes it

Pls. let me know how can i fix this issue that the form must retail the entered data all the time irrespective of popups

Thank you

5 Replies


Level 8

I assume you're using Adobe Reader to fill in the form.  If so has the form been Reader Extended?  If not you can't save data offline.


Level 8

Thank you. Sorry my original question is confusing, i will put it in the below way instead,

1st scenario:

I am launching 2 pages my_form on the IE browser, am entering data on first page, at this point i saved it on my laptop, it saved properly and when i checked the saved copy (offline copy) its holding all the entered data, well.

Now, the issue is,

2nd scenario:

I am launching my_form, am entering data on first page, at this point I SUBMITted the form (am not using Adobe's SUBMIT button, i have my own custom SUBMIT button outside of Adobe),

2A) Say, there is some errors (example, formatting, madatory fields not fillled, cross-depenedency validations failed)..... my application (its not adobe, i have my own custom application) is throwing some message

Now, user can see the entered data on the form physically....if user saves at this point, then, the saved offline form not holding any data

2B) Say, its successfully submitted, then my aplication (its not adobe, i have my own custom application) is throwing a message saying that "Successfully submitted" via Popup

Now, user can see the entered data on the form physically....if user saves at this point, then, the saved offline form not holding any data

Thank you


Level 1


do you find solution for this?

it seems I have the same issue. I am using ADS in sap java environment.

Best regards,
