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Fill in multiple fields based on selection from drop-down menu


Level 4


I've made a form in the past in which I could have some select a name from a drop down menu and it filled in a subsequent field.  (I had help from the forum)  I would like to make a new form in which mulitple fields fill in based on a selection from a drop down menu, but I'm unsure of the method of scripting it.



case "Mickey Mouse":


= "Please complete the following form to assist in assess the performance of Mickey Mouse as Associate Director for the period of January to August 2010. All information will be held confidential.";


= "On average, how often did you interact with Mickey in his role as associate director, and how would you characterize the nature of your interactions?;


There would be additional fields beyond these two as well.  If I leave out the Interaction.rawValue then it works.

Thanks for the help.

1 Reply


Level 4

Nevermind.  I just realized that I was missing a quote at the end of the line.