I'm trying to use the FDS 30 Minute TestDrive sample apps
Flex Builder. I downloaded the test drive and all the samples
just dandy fine, and I can view the source etc. So I wanted
to load
some of the sample apps into Flex Builder so that I could
modify and
play with them with the debugger so as to learn more.
I've tried the following:
create New Project - use Flex Data Services/compile app
Root Folder: C:\fds-tomcat\webapps\ROOT
Root URL:
http://localhost:8600/ROOT.When I click Finish, I get the
following 3 errors in the Output panel:
unable to load SWC fds.swc: multiple points
unable to load SWC fds.swc: multiple points
The definition of base class Locale was not found
Could not resolve<mx:Application> to a component
I am on Flex 2.0.143459.
I've verified that fds.swc is indeed in the
C:\fds-tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\flex\libs folder.
I don't know what the other messages mean or what to do.
I then stubbornly unzipped one of the sample apps into the
FlexBuilder project folder (which I named FDS TestDrive
Samples) and
tried to run it anyway to see if I could get more info. I
then get
a browser window with the following additional errors:
type Status report
message /ROOT/FDS%20TestDrive%20Samples/Chat.html
description The requested resource (/ROOT/FDS%20TestDrive%
20Samples/Chat.html) is not available.
So I guess one problem is that it is not making an html
But I don't know how to correct that.
I have no idea what to do. Any help would be GREATLY