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Extra task instruction email sent when task is claimed from group que


Level 2

Jasmin or whoever can help,

Task instruction and reminder emails are sent correctly to my group members but when someone claims a task from the group que they get another task instruction email as soon as it hits their personal que. Is this a bug or is there something I can do to keep it from happening?

Thanks for your help,


1 Reply


Former Community Member

Hi Brian

This is not a bug.

When tasks are assigned to a group queue, members of the group receive an email notification if the administrator has turned on the Group - Task Assignment setting on the Task Notifications page.

Once the task is claimed, it is assigned to a individual user's queue.

That individual will also receive an email notification if the Administrator has turned on the Task Assignment setting on the Task Notifications page.

If you turn off the Task Assignment setting to stop the personal queue email, you will be turning off individual assignment notifications globally on the server.
