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External Authentication Issue


Level 1


I am externally authenticating my application. I fetch the authToken and use it in the flex application as follows;

  function init():void


                                        authToken="exx=eDpVc2VyTmFtZTo6amF5ZXNoc2lkaHdhbmk6VXNlcklkOm5ld3NlcnZlcjoxMDA6M2UyYTYwYjg3ZjllMmQ4ZGRiMjQyYmVjNzE3NzJiOGM0MGIzNzI1Mw=="; //This is a valid code, hand wired.



protected function auth_authenticationFailureHandler(event:AuthenticationEvent):void


                                        Alert.show(event.toString());// + auth.authenticationURL);



                              protected function auth_authenticationSuccessHandler(event:AuthenticationEvent):void






                    <rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator id="auth" authenticationKey="{authToken}" authenticationFailure="auth_authenticationFailureHandler(event)">





          <rtc:ConnectSessionContainer id="cSession" x="329" y="265" authenticator="{auth}"



                              <rtc:SharedWhiteBoard id="sharedWhiteboard" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="sharedWhiteboard_creationCompleteHandler(event)">





Now, when the page loads, it continuously loops call to auth_authenticationSuccessHandle, so I get alert messages (in the function) continuosly. The app is not initialized.

However, if I replace the {authToken} value in <rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator> by the actual authentication token, it goes in the success function only once and the app is initialized normally. Can you please help me figure out what wrong I am doing.


1 Reply



I would suggest you set autoLogin="false" on rtc:ConnectSessionContainer and call cSession.login() when you are ready (you got the token and have everything set up).

I suspect the automatic login is getting executed before the AdobeHSAuthenticator has been correctly setup.