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exporting .xml file with name based on textfield


Level 1

I have a relatively simple question.
I have set up my form to export my data as xml (which is fine as I am then populating into an Excel spreadsheet)
what I would like to know is if I can auto name the .xml file based off of a current field in my form?

For example:
xfa.host.exportData(“C:\Documents and Settings\ABC1234\Desktop\

TEST.xml”, 0);
can I change the “TEST.xml” to be autopopulated by another field (i.e. “PracticeName.rawvalue”)
or will I have to manually change the file name each time I receive a new document?

I know I can leave it alone

xfa.host.exportData(“”, 0);

and can save it that way just wanted to know if I could make it easier on the end user based on previous textfields.
Thank you so much for any help in this.

2 Replies


Level 1

unfortunately no, which is sad as i would love the option to make this as seamless as possible. hopefully someone who knows might chime in.