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Expandable text-box, movable text, show/hide function


Level 1

Hi there,

I am brand new to LiveCycle and have some questions. I have already stumbled upon some threads that deal with expandable text-boxes and I have "tackled" the issue, however, is it possible when the text box expands that the rest of the text in the document (in a form, in my case), expands as well?

And another thing, if I I have two drop-down menus/lists, say List A and List B, and I choose one of the options from the List A drop-down lists, is it possible to hide the List B when one of the options from List B is chosen?

Thanks in advance!



7 Replies


Level 7

For the first part just to clarify when you say "When the text box expands that the rest of the text in the document expands as well?" Do you really mean expand or that the items below move as that field expands? If that is correct then yes it can be done. Also for your second part, Yes, you can have an action that when a specific item is selected from a drop down that the second drop down can be hidden


Level 1

Dear Mouselander, yes exactly. When the expandable textbox expands that the text underneath it movew in the same direction as well so that the textbox wouldnt overwrite the text underneath it when expanded.

Ok great, would you please tell me how to achieve these two things, the thing with the expendable box nov overwriting rest of my text, and the hide option with the dropdown list?

Thanks in advance!


Level 7

To get the fields below to move you have to set the subform to be flowed. Try this; Create 3 fields and make sure they are set to expand on the height property in the layout tab. In the Object Field tab set fields to allow multiple lines. You should also make sure that your form is set to be dynamic. This will allow your fields to expand and move.

For the second part you would need 2 drop down lists ListA with Apple, Orange and Banana and ListB Big, medium and small for example

On the exit event for list one you would have something like this for the code:

if(this.rawValue == "Apple"){

ListB.presence = "hidden"



ListB.presence = "visible"

What his says is that if I select the Choice: Apple from the first drop down Hide the second drop down. However if any other choice is made then make the second list visible.

I hope that helps. I can create a quick sample if you want to send me your email address.


Level 1

Hi Mouselander,

Thanks for your fast and detailed response! I have few more questions, if its okay, as I am really new to LiveCycle, and I assume it would come in handy to other users when searching this topic, to have an overview of all the details regarding these functions

I have an imported pdf document, and I have set the document to be flowable (interactive) in the beginning when importing. And on the left side I have topMostSubforum, whose object page doesnt show anything, apart from Mixed objects written. If then I click "Page 1" which is underneath it, and on the Object page under Content I choose Flowed, all of my Objects on that page end up somewhere else.

As for the Drop down menus, I havent tried it out yet as I have been trying to manage with these flowable objects not overwriting each other, but I would basically need when any item clicked on List A, to have List B hidden, and vice versa.

A sample would be great if you have the time! My email is mirza.trozic@gmail.com

Thanks again for your help!


Level 1

Oh and one more thing, if I manage in the end to create the flowable and hide/unhide options, will my end users, i.e. those having a free acrobat reader be able to use these functions? That is actually really important to me.

Thanks in advance!


Level 7

I will send you my sample file. Let me answer some of your questions as well.

When you have a document that you have converted or even created from scratch all the form fields and objects on the page are individual by default. When you tell LCD to make the page Flowed it will take all the objects and bring them up into a flow. Obviously this is not what you wanted. To control this behavior  you will need to select objects and wrap them in a subform. Think of a subform as a container to organizer the objects. This will allow you to control the form parts.

As for part 2 of your query yes your users will be able to use Reader to interact with the form however they will not be able to save the form locally unless you extend the form.


Level 1

Ok, it makes more sense now. I will try to make a form from the scratch, and try to act as per your instructions for my two issues. Just one more thing, what does it mean actually to extend the form? As I need my end users to be able to save the form once filled in, and potentially send further.

Looking forward to your samples.

