Shared cursor pane is just like a simple collaboration model
and it extends a UIComponent. You can use something like
<rtc:SharedCursorPane width="300" height="300" /> in mxml
tags or use actionscript to create it. And it will work fine. What
is that you are trying to do that's not working ? In case it
doesn't work, copy a small code where you can't get it working.
As an added info, there were some updates to SharedCursorPane
where you can set absolute/relative cursor which will be coming
with the next drop in coming weeks. You can also look at a previous
discussion on
http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=72&catid=759&threadid=1426917&h...Hope this helps.
Hironmay Basu