I receive this message when I am working in LiveCycle Designer ES3 and I go to the "Preview PDF" section. I also receive it when I close LiveCycle and open my form in Adobe Reader. I click "OK" to close the error pop-up box, but it just keeps popping up and I am unable to do anything.
I am running Windows XP and I have Adobe Reader X.
Thank you.
As an aside, I had to upgrade from ES2 to ES3 and subsequently lost much compatibility in my form creation. Now I have to re-create my forms from scratch. Good job, Adobe. Thank you for fixing something that wasn't broken.
What is the target version that you have chosen in LiveCycle Designer when saving pdf?
You can see the target version from File > Properties > Default > Choose target version. If your viewer version is Reader X or above you can choose target version as 10.0 or later.
Thank you for your reply. I did not get a chance to try out your suggestion, however I do believe it may be correct. My Adobe Reader is version 10, but my Adobe Pro was only version 9.0. Installing the 9.1 patch fixed the issue. Thanks again.
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In design view, right click on Preview PDF > form properties> Default and select 9.0 and later...
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