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Email Submit Button to send message but no PDF attachment


Former Community Member


I have a PDF form with alot of information. I have a submit button which needs to send an email to someone with pieces of the information but doesnt need the PDF document. At the moment, I have manipulate the msg, subject, cc, bcc, etc.. but I cannot get it to stop attaching the document. anyone know how I can update my code for this?

var oDoc = event.target;


    bUI: false,

    cTo: textbox.rawValue,

    cCc: textbox1.rawValue,

    cSubject: "AWARDED "

    cMsg: "hello custom message"


4 Replies


Level 10


to send only a message you need another method than mailDoc().

Use app.mailMsg() instead.

Here's a macro for Designer ES2/ES3, that can create both methods easily.




Level 1


The link that you provide to download the macro does not work. can you post the Mailto Macro link in this post to download the macro.

Thank you.


Level 4

This might help. Just copy-paste the code Radzmar lists in the linked page on a button with a click event. Should work.



Level 1

Thank you for the response, but I really was hopping for the macro files themselves to place in the script folder. These are the files that bring up the MailTo Maker box when you select the email submit button. Any chance of getting them. Thank you
