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Drop-Down List w/Employee Names?


Level 1

I'm trying to figure out the simplest way to make a self-contained form that will not rely on any kind of connection to obtain data for the names of employees. The basic concept is to have a drop down list that will have the names of employees.

The more complex concept will be to have the selected name of the employee cross-reference a designated number (SSN or employee ID number) that would auto-populate the mentioned desginated number field.

Workflow process

1. Choose Employee Name from Drop-down menu

2. ID Number field will then be filled based on the emplyee chosen.

This is the simple version of what I would like to do.

Methods Explored

I know that I can input each name one by one but that would be time consuming. I am not aware of some fo he tricks savier users might know regarding the import of multiple names to a drop down list.

Furthermore, I am not aware of the binding techniques used but am still learning how. Even if you point me in the right direction, I would be greatly appreciative, thank you.

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