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Does upgrade to commercial account affect available applications


Former Community Member


Before upgrading to the commercial account, wanted to verify that my current application / rooms won't be affected.

Tried to search the forum and FAQs but didn't find any information on this.

Is this really the case and all rooms will be kept as is ?



23 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi Jamie,

To allow us to see rooms in our production application we've decided to delete rooms from the default application.

The default application isn't used anymore.

I tried to delete the rooms using the Room console but doing so only deleted several of them and stopped with the alert  "Authentication error"

Is it possible that you delete the rooms under default ?

please make sure to delete rooms only under "default" and not under the other application (it is used in production).

And also, if we can't see a room, how can i access its room console ?

using the Room URL on the right connects me to "ConnectNow" and not for the actual room console.




Level 3

Hi Eyal,

I cleared the rooms from your default application.  You should see rooms showing up for VcitaTemplate now. 

The UI is not very helpful for deleting many rooms at the same time.  In the future, you could write some code to do it.  The code I used is below (in Java).

I don't understand the last question.  You are trying to enter your room URL in the browser and end up seeing "ConnectNow"?  You should never have to enter your room URL into a brower.  You should be able to view information about your room in the dev portal and dev console, but you are blocked by this 1000 room limit issue.  Hopefully now that your default application has been cleared, you will be able to find the information you want using the portal or console.


//Script to clear rooms from your default application.

import java.util.List;

import com.adobe.rtc.account.AccountManager;

import com.adobe.rtc.account.ContentItem;

public class LCCSDeleteRooms {

          public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

                    AccountManager am = new AccountManager("<Your account URL");

                    am.login("<your login>", "<your password>");


                    List<ContentItem> rooms = am.listRooms();

                    System.out.println("size = " + rooms.size());

                    for (ContentItem c: rooms) {

                              //rooms in default have null desc.

                              if (c.desc == null) {








Former Community Member

Hi Jamie,

We have contacted many people from adobe and no one is aware of this here in INDIA.

Can you please let us know the exact source so that we could directly get in touch with them.

Thanks in advance.