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Digital Signature and Rights Management


Level 5

Hello all,

I'm following the document below and have a couple of questions on how to achieve that objective, that is how to provide a persistent document security.


I understand that I need to protect the PDF first using the Rights Management, then digitally sign it afterwards. This is pretty straight forward when using LC Digital Signatures, just build a process in LC Workbench, unlock the PDF temporary, send to Digital Signature operation, get it back and return the RM.

But when I use a third part digital signature solution? Is it possible to use another digital signature solution to get this - by defining a call to a webservice in workbench to sign the PDF.

For information: this digital signature solution complies with digital signatures in PDF.

Thanks in advance!


3 Replies


Former Community Member

Diego, what is the 3rd party signing tool? I'm going to assume that if you apply RM to the PDF and then push it through a 3rd party solution the 3rd party solution won't be able to process the document unless they're part of an Acrobat plugin.

You may need to setup a workflow to un-RM, add the 3rd party sig, then re-RM the PDF.


Level 5

Hi Lee,

It's some module within IBM Lotus Notes. I'm trying to do the following in the Workbench:

With a RM document, Unlock it then invoke this 3rd part webservice in order to sign it. It's not working so far.

But if I follow your suggestion, when I re-RM the PDF wouldn't this invalidate the Digital Signature?

Thanks for the quick reply!


Former Community Member

I mentioned the re-RM'ing as with some of the 3rd-party apps I've seen they don't actually do real dig sigs. I don't have any experience in recent years with Notes implementations but history would say that RM'ed documents would not be supported.