I have a dynamic table with add and delete buttons for rows. The add button works fine as it just duplicates the table row directly below but I am struggling with the delete button. Using TableReview.Row1.instanceManager.removeInstance(this.parent.index); deletes the first instance in the table and TableReview.Row1.instanceManager.removeInstance(1); deletes the second instance in the table.
I need something that will allow me to delete secific rows (i.e. the one with the delete button on).
Any help would be grately appreciated.
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Hi Dan,
One way I do this is put a column in my table to contain a delete button, which would then appear for each row. I then add, on Javascript click, the line "rowname.removeInstance(this.parent.index);".
Does this work for you?
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Thanks for your response but as I stated in the question, that script does not work as it only deletes the first instance in the table. I need to be able to delete specific rows that have been created with the add button, obviously these rows will all have the same name as they are duplicates.
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Hi Dan,
I think we may be talking at cross-purposes. If you look at the image below you will see that I have put a delete button at the end of each row. This delete button will delete the row that it is on, using the code that I put in the previous email.
You could try something like:
"form1.page1.Transfer.Body.NativeTitle.NativeTitleChecked.NTtableRowButtons.RemoveNTtableRow::click - (JavaScript, client)
// nNumRow is used to calculate the number of rows contained in Transfer.Header.ClientData.ApplicantData.
var nNumRow = 0;
// nTableLength stores the number of XML elements contained in Transfer.Header.ClientData.ApplicantData.
var nTableLength = page1.Transfer.Body.NativeTitle.NativeTitleData.NativeTitleCheckDetails.nodes.length;
// This script uses a For loop to cycle through all of the XML elements
// contained in Transfer.Header.ClientData.ApplicantData.
for (var nCount = 0; nCount < nTableLength; nCount ++) {
// If the current XML element in Transfer.Header.ClientData.ApplicantData is of type subform, and it
// is not a header row, then increment the variable nNumRow by one.
// If the table included a footer row, this script would have to
// account for that.
// Note: In the Adobe XML Form Object Model, all table rows are
// considered subform objects.
if ((page1.Transfer.Body.NativeTitle.NativeTitleData.NativeTitleCheckDetails.nodes.item(nCount).className == "subform") & (page1.Transfer.Body.NativeTitle.NativeTitleData.NativeTitleCheckDetails.nodes.item(nCount).name !== "HeaderRow")) {
nNumRow = nNumRow + 1;
// The Adobe XML Form Object Model uses a zero-based indexing system
// for referencing objects. In this script, the variable nNumRow represents
// the exact number of rows contained in Transfer.Header.ClientData.ApplicantData. To convert this to a usable
// index value, the script subtracts one.
nNumRow = nNumRow - 1;
// An if-else statement is used to prevent form fillers from removing
// the single remaining row from a table.
if (nNumRow < 1) {
xfa.host.messageBox("The minimum allowable number of rows is 1. You cannot remove any more rows.", "Warning", 3);
else {
// This script uses the removeInstance() method to remove the last
// instance of the ApplicantOther object (represented by nNumRow) contained
// in Transfer.Header.ClientData.ApplicantData.
You will have to adapt it to suit your circumstances. It is code that I picked up from elsewhere on these forums and adapted for my own use.
Good luck,
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var rownum = this.parent.parent.index;
add above code to the button on click action.
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