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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Delete instances


Level 2

I have a form that that I can add pages to and then the data from those pages

populate to a schedule. I am tring to create a delete bu

tton that will allow me to delete the current page. I have

that working but the data from instances are still appearing on the schedule that was

populated when they wer created. How can I make the schedule refresh

or something. I am using 8.2 a click event with java:

17 Replies


Level 10

You can reset the data on the form..

     xfa.host.resetData("<Provide the name of the Page here>");

Place the aboev command in the click event of the Delete button.

Are you hiding the page (or) are you deleting the instance by calling "removeInstance" method..

If you are hiding then you will see the data in the output XML. To avoid that you can reset all the fields in the Page by using the above command.




Level 2

Here is the script I just tried;



I did not receive any errors but the data on the schedule was still there.



Level 2

This is the code that I am using to populate the schedule;

This is from the first line of the schedule.

if(_Page1.count >= 1){this.rawValue =



Level 2

Just wondering if anyone has a solution for this. I have tried to use reset

also and that takes everything off. I have tried redraw as well as refresh.


Former Community Member

You would have to remove the data before you remove the page. So do the resetData first then the removeInstance.



Level 2

I tried that and hit deleted the current page but also deleted the data from

the remaining invoices. This the code I used;




Former Community Member

Firstly the page1 on the resetData is lowercase and the Page 1 in the removeInstance is upper case P. These are supposed to be refering to the same object but they are spelled differently. Second, the Page1 you are removing has an index number (this.parent.parent.index) so when you reset you have to ind

icate which Page1 you want to reset so you will have to include the index....so the expression will need to look something like this:

xfa.host.resetData("form1.page1[" + this.parent.parent.index + "]")



Level 2

You are right. I made the change and it works great with 1 exception. The

only data that is left on the schedule is the date field. This field is auto

entered on the invoice. Is that why it is still appearing on the schedule.

Thanks so very much Paul.



Former Community Member

Yes that is correct.

The calcualtion is firing when the form is opened.



Level 2

Could I change the event that makes that happen? Like form ready or

initialize instead of calculate


Former Community Member

Yes ...I woudl put it on Doc Ready...that way it only runs when the form is opened. I assume that you have the calculaton wrapped in an if statement that will only execute the date calculation if the field is empty ...right?

Otherwise the Date will change to the current Date even if the form has been filled out.



Level 2

if (this.rawValue == null){

var msNow = (new Date()).getTime();

var d1 = new Date(msNow);

this.rawValue = util.printd("mm/dd/yy", d1);


else {

This the code but when I moved it to doc ready it did not populate


Former Community Member

Looks like your missing some code ....the else { shoudl have some code following it and at least a closing }



Level 2

I think I can get that now thanks. On the same form I have a date/time field

that I placed this script in but I can not get it to work either. I just

want it to return me the current time if the field is empty. I am doing that

if statement so the time will not get re set when the form is opened later.

Can you please look at this script;; I have it in form ready,formcalc

if (this.rawValue == null)


$ = (Num2Time(Time(), "HH:MM:SS"));




this.rawValue = rawValue;


Thanks Steve


Former Community Member

Couple of issues with syntax in your code (the 2nd line shoudl be a { and the else is lowercase):

if (this.rawValue == null)


$ = (Num2Time(Time(), "HH:MM:SS"));




this.rawValue = rawValue;


Not sure what you are trying to accomplish in the 2nd last line ...but the right side of the equation makes no sense.



Level 2

I just want the current time to populate the field but if the form is opened

later after saving, I do not want the time to change.


Former Community Member

Then you do not need the else portion ....remove everything after the first }
