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Content Services doesn't start - logging problem


Former Community Member


I'm having trouble with the Content Services module of Livecycle. First of all it doesn't want to start at all so I'm having all these errors in the log file.

How can I completely remove it or at least remove the logging that it creates ?

The problem is creates too much error logs in the server.log file and it grows too much.


2012-05-15 17:57:00,194 INFO  [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Trying on HostAddress = HostName = WIN-N6JMCS02NST Cannoncial Name = WIN-N6JMCS02NST isLoopBack = false isLinkLocalAddress = false

2012-05-15 17:57:00,194 INFO  [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Checking Server status at

2012-05-15 17:57:00,195 ERROR [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Failed to query server at

2012-05-15 17:57:00,196 INFO  [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Checking Server status at

2012-05-15 17:57:20,698 ERROR [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Failed to query server at Error :Remote host closed connection during handshake

2012-05-15 17:57:20,699 INFO  [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Trying on HostAddress = HostName = Cannoncial Name = isLoopBack = true isLinkLocalAddress = false

2012-05-15 17:57:20,699 INFO  [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Checking Server status at

2012-05-15 17:57:20,701 ERROR [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Failed to query server at

2012-05-15 17:57:20,701 INFO  [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Checking Server status at

2012-05-15 17:57:41,203 ERROR [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Failed to query server at Error :Remote host closed connection during handshake

2012-05-15 17:57:53,205 ERROR [com.adobe.contentservices.webscripts.client.WSClient] ALC-CSV-001-000-Cannot connect to any host address with any port

1 Reply


Level 2

Hi Alex,

Are you actually using Content Services in one of your LiveCycle Applications ?

If you dont really require content services you can opt to remove it specifically.

You can run the configuration manager using

LiveCycle Install Root > ConfigurationManager > Bin > configurationManager.bat

this is the same configurational wizard which you must have gone through during actual installation.

There would be a step in this wizard, which lists out the components / modules that you choose to install.

On this page you can uncheck the option for Content Services and then run through all the steps of the configuration manager.