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ConnectionSession error using FB 4.5


Level 3

I know that you guys don't support Flex 4.5 yet, but, I know that eventually you will, ...

, so, I'm getting an strange error using the same code that works using Android (i.e. Air 2.5) but, does not using compiled iPhone code.

I know there's a lot going on "under the covers", but, thought you might be interested in what's occurring here and might be able to shed some light on it.

I have a room that has auto-promote turned on, and I'm logging in as a guest (i.e. no password).

I've pasted the trace (works) from Air 2.5 (Android build), and iPhone build (fails) below.  As you'll see, I get the error below (I've masked the my actual room with MYACCT/MYROOM) :

Sat Mar 12 17:35:11 GMT-0500 2011 LCCS SDK Version : Player Version : IOS 10,2,152,2217:35:11 GMT-0500 requestInfo http://connectnow.acrobat.com/MYACCT/MYROOM?guk=ZzpHdWVzdDo=&mode=xml&x=0.38963465951383114

17:35:13 GMT-0500 LCCS SDK Version : Player Version : IOS 10,2,152,2217:35:13 GMT-0500 requestInfo http://connectnow.acrobat.com/MYACCT/MYROOM?guk=ZzpHdWVzdDo=&mode=xml&x=0.76667327852919717:35:13 GMT-0500 #THROWING ERROR# onStatus from URLLoader. Error.: <401>17:35:13 GMT-0500 #THROWING ERROR# onError from URLLoader. Error.: <[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]>17:35:13 GMT-0500 #THROWING ERROR# onStatus from URLLoader. Error.: <401>17:35:13 GMT-0500 #THROWING ERROR# onError from URLLoader. Error.: <[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]>

The error occur below after calling cSession.login() of this code:

auth = new AdobeHSAuthenticator();
auth.userName ="Guest";
auth.userName ="Guest";
cSession = new ConnectSession();
cSession.authenticator = auth;

Also, I've tried setting requireRTMFP to true, no change in the result.  And, I've tried using "connectnow.acrobat.com" instead of "collaboration.adobelifecycle.com", with no change in result.

This is with using the 10.1 Flash-only swc, but, I've also tried the 10.0 Flash-only swc, same results.  I get the same error in the iPhone both with and without wi-fi.

Any idea why this might occur?

Here's the trace output that works from Air 2.5:

Sat Mar 12 20:16:08 GMT-0500 2011    LCCS SDK Version :    Player Version : AND 10,2,152,22
20:16:08 GMT-0500    requestInfo http://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/MYACCT/MYROOM?guk=ZzpHdWVzdDo=&mode=xml&x=0.1332407137379050...
After login
20:16:09 GMT-0500    #TicketService# ticket received: 1mo05u9uiul9b
20:16:09 GMT-0500    Getting FMS at https://na2.collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/fms?ticket=1mo05u9uiul9b&proto=rtmfp, attempt #1/3
20:16:09 GMT-0500    result: <fms>
</fms>/n20:16:09 GMT-0500    protocols: [object ProtocolPortPair],[object ProtocolPortPair]/n20:16:09 GMT-0500   
[attempt 1 of 2] Connecting to 0/1: rtmfp://fms1.acrobat.com/cocomo/na2-sdk-ee3b168c-e033-482b-9aba-9c5cea3e9abc/remedy #startProtosConnect#
20:16:10 GMT-0500    tempNetStatusHandler 0/2,NetConnection.Connect.Success
20:16:10 GMT-0500    isTunneling? false
20:16:10 GMT-0500    is using RTMPS? false
20:16:10 GMT-0500      .user descriptor from server [object]
20:16:10 GMT-0500        \\
20:16:10 GMT-0500        .affiliation [number]= 5
20:16:10 GMT-0500        .role [number]= 50
20:16:10 GMT-0500        .displayName [string]= Guest
20:16:10 GMT-0500        .userID [string]= GUEST-1332027F-EEED-4715-8BE7-93666E813A96/n20:16:10 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES UserManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData UserManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES FileManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData FileManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object FileManager]
20:16:10 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES AVManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData AVManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object StreamManager]
20:16:10 GMT-0500    RECEIVENODES RoomManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    receiveAllSynchData RoomManager
20:16:10 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object RoomManager]
20:16:10 GMT-0500    checkManagerSync:[object UserManager]

21 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi DB,

One thing that seems funky is that for the first trace (fails), you seem to

be kicking off a connectSession twice - is there any chance you're

double-calling login?

Secondly, that "guk=" string at the end of your roomURL shouldn't be there,

but I'm not sure if it's affecting this problem. Try removing it.

hope that helps



Level 3

Just to simplify, I created another mobile project in 4.5 prerelease, this one is a  "supported" ActionScript only project, with the same results.  The code for the entire iphone project is below.  I'm including lccsFlash.swc (10.1 version).  Image of the result on the phone is attached (same as before).

The code is here:

private var debugtext:String;

private var auth:AdobeHSAuthenticator;

private var txtfld:TextField = new TextField();

private function myLccsTrace(debugStr:String):void{

debugtext += debugStr +


txtfld.text = debugtext;


private function updateDebug(event:Event):void{

txtfld.text = debugtext;


public function ActionScriptMobile()



// support autoOrients

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;



private function startConnect():void{

DebugUtil.traceFunction = myLccsTrace;



debugtext +=

"Starting viewactivatehandler... \n";

debugtext +=

"Creating auth \n";

auth =

new AdobeHSAuthenticator();

auth.userName =




cSession =

new ConnectSession();

debugtext +=

"Created ConnectSession \n";

cSession.authenticator = auth;



cSession.addEventListener(SessionEvent.SYNCHRONIZATION_CHANGE, updateDebug);

debugtext +=

"Trying login... \n";


debugtext +=

"After login \n";



txtfld.text = debugtext;



Same error as before.  Also, the "guk=" is from the LCCS code after the login(), I'm not adding any additional parameters, all the code is above.photo.PNG



I got your example working and I'll try it on iOS once I got my development environment updated, but here is a wild guess:

Your room URL is http://collaboration. (that is the correct URL to use) but this will cause a redirection to https://na2.collaboration.

I am wondering if the current version of the packager somehow doesn't support redirects (I would still have expected a different error than 401, that is an authentication error, but...)

Can you try to change your URL from http://collaboration to https://na2.collaboration ? Again, this is just a wild guess but if that works you are "unstuck" and we know where to look for the culprit


Former Community Member

Bummer, this seems like a player issue. I'm guessing this has something to

do with HTTP 302 redirects, although usually when that's the case it shows

that 302, and this is a 401 (not authorized). We're going to have to wait

for Raff to weigh in here.



Former Community Member

Ha, funny, pretend I sent my previous message in right before Raff

answered. Seems like we're thinking the same thing, at nearly the same

time... I've got to start typing faster. =)



Level 3


First off, you guys are @#$ awesome, excuse my French, for helping out on this.

I did try changing the url to:



but, still same error.  It's always falling out in MeetingInfoService.onStatus().




Ok, I have some good news and some bad news: the good news is that your test WORKS FOR ME The bad news is that it works for me and I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

I have tried with the SDK, FlashOnly both player 9 and player 10.1 version.

I am running FlashBuilder that I think it's the latest version on the prerelease site (I6 Drop1). If you are running an older version you may want to try the newer one.

If things still don't work for you we'll have to figure out what else may be different (btw, I tried on an iPhone 4 running iOS 4.3)


Level 3


Wow, that is really good news that this runs from your iPhone 4, I have all the same versions of code (FlashBuilder/LCCS), but, I'm only on iOS 4.2, I'm installing 4.3 as I write this (iTunes says "3 hours remaining", ugh!).

I'll let you know if it changes anything, crossing my fingers/toes, etc!



Level 3

Hi Raff:

Well, updated to iOS 4.3 but still same result.  Doesn't make much sense that we seem to have the same libraries and pre-release version of FB and iPhone OS and it still doesn't work.

Is it possible to get your ActionScript mobile project just to confirm there's no other difference?  Also, I just sent you a "private" email via this forum with my account/room so you could try it using this.

Also, the room I'm using has been around for probably over a year and a half, is it possible it's something strange in the room configuration? 

Again, thanks for your help on this.




I am attaching my project, but it should be pretty much identical to yours. Don't think the room makes a difference since I tried accessing with "curl" and I get the same data I get with my room, but I'll try tomorrow on the iPhone.

Tomorrow I'll also check if it's possible to get the full player logs with iOS. That may give us more insight in what's going on.


Level 3

I installed your version and same result, even against your room.

I did want to check LCCS version, you metioned, but, my release notes say 1.3.7, are they the same?



Your screenshot says so I am pretty sure they are the same

We found a problem with 1.3.7 and updated the SWC to shortly after releasing 1.3.7.

Later I'll try to send you my .ipa file, just to make sure that the same binary that works for me also works for you.

If that's the case it must be something in your FlashBuilder configuration. Are you building on Mac or Windows ? I did my test from a Mac.


Level 3

I'm building on Windows, and deploying thru iTunes on Windows.  I have a Mac, but

don't have FB4.5 installed there, but, will if you think it's worth a try.



So, it turns out that building the application on OSX works, but building the same project with the same version of FlashBuilder on Windows doesn't

I guess you'll have to setup your OSX environment in order to build for iOS, and I'll report the problem to the FlashBuilder team.



Actually, I just figured out where the real problem was! I forgot that on my Mac I installed the latest AIR 2.6 SDK (022311) from the prerelease site. On my Windows box I had an older version of the SDK.

Unfortunately there is no way that I know to figure out what version of the SDK I am really running, but I did update my Windows box and now I can build both on OSX and Windows!


Level 3


I just installed FB i6 drop 1 on my Mac (along with the Air runtime available in the build), but, same results in the build.  I installed the AIR that came with the build.  I don't see any AIR 2.6 available separately on the i6 downloads, my installed version says 2.6 in the AIR SDK Readme file.





There is a 'Flash Builder "Burrito" & Flex "Hero"' project, that is probably where you got your FlashBuilder installer, but there is also an "Adobe AIR Prerelease" project. That's where I got the latest SDK (and it actually says the build version is but I have no idea of where that would show up in FlashBuilder).

I just installed the Windows SDK on my Windows machine and the Mac SDK on my Mac. The iOS packager in there seems to fix the problem.


Level 3

Do you know if I can get access to the Air pre-release?  I don't see where you can request access.

Or, is it just another Airglobal.swc?  I don't see how this would integrate into the build for the FB 4.5, unless you specifically targeted a different SDK...can you tell me how you configured your workspace?

Again, thanks for your help.




Well, you may be lucky A new FlashBuilder prerelease build has been released today (i6 build 2) and the release notes say:

This Flex 4.5 SDK build is and contains:



I am not going to try it today but given the build numbers I am reasonably confident that this will fix your problem (at the small price of having to re-download and re-install everything all over again. Sorry about that )

Let us know if this works for you!


Level 3

Wow...what timing!!!!

Yes, this build fixed the problem! 

If I wasn't so happy I'd cry...wish this build had come out 2 days ago !  Would have saved us all some time and late nights!!!

Again, thanks for all of your assisance, it was a tremendous help.

