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CIFS server problem


Level 2


I installed Livecycle ES2 with SP2 and said I wanted to use CIFS. Now, I can see the CIFS server, but whatever username/password I try, I can't get in, it refuses my passwords/usernames. WebDav seems to be working correclty for now. Can someone help me in getting access to my CIFS. I'm with Windows 2008, Livecycle ES2 Turnkey with a JBoss Server. I find it weird that while I selected CIFS, WebDav is working perfectly.

Thanks for your help in advance,

Georges Leclerc

3 Replies


Level 1

CIFS does not work with local users. Have you tried using CIFS with enterprise users synced?



Level 2

Thanks Vincent,

but when you talk about "local users" are talking local to the server or local to LiveCycle? And when you talk about "enterprise users synced" are you talking about the ones from LiveCycle, or something external like an LDAP server?

I tried by using the users local to the server, the users specific to LiveCycle with the needed rights and I don't have an LDAP server to test with. If you can confirm that an LDAP server would help, I might try getting one running.

Thanks again for your help.
