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Chat& - Customizing "Start Screen Sharing" Dialog


Level 2

Hi guys,

We're building an enterprise live customer service application using LCCS -- and I love that Adobe FINALLY has a tech offering which finally allows for screen sharing -- but right now the business guys are not too happy about the user experience of the screen sharing process, which currently would go something like this:

[Assuming has already clicked button to start customer service session]

1) User clicks "share screen" button

2) If user has never used an adobe sharing product, they won't have the ConnectNow plugin. User is presented with a dialog "window" asking if they want to install the ConnectNow add-in.

3) Since video/audio will already be activated, user is coached by cus. service into clicking "Accept" to start the process.

4) ConnectNow installation process completes seamlessly.

5) User is presented with the "Start Screen Sharing" dialog "window"

6) User does not know what to do, and needs to be coached by the cus. service rep into what options to press to share their browser window.

7) User clicks "Window", "[page name]," and clicks "Share"

8) Assuming the user follows instructions correctly, the right area of the screen is now shared with the customer service rep.

This is a horrible user expereince, requiring too many steps, live coaching, and the user may land up sharing the wrong portion of the screen leading to potential privacy issues with the client company if the user accidentally shares the wrong part of their screen.

I understand why Adobe has done it this way, due to the limitations of requiring the ConnectNow add-in and security issues around guarding against malware attacks, and it's a life-saver that the ConnectNow installation process is seamless.

But it could be a lot better, if only the following were possible.

What I would like to know, and request, is:

1) That we could customize the "Adobe ConnectNow Add-in" dialog language to further explain to the user why they need to install this plugin? The final application will be highly branded, and the user has probably never seen the word "ConnectNow" before and has no idea what it is. Maybe use another word than "install," which scares many novice users into thinking "OMG, I'll get a virus!!" and quit the entire session.

2) That we could customize or enhance the "Start Screen Sharing" dialog wording? I understand this screen cannot by bypassed for security reasons, but it could be made a lot more user-friendly for a branded consumer product.

     a) Changing the title of the dialog window would go a long way to assisting in creating a branded expereince, maybe put something like "Start [Company name] Screen Sharing"

     b) Being able to add text below the window title that could help the user make the right selection without the need for live chat coaching or a visual demo before they get to that screen, such as

                    "1) Please select 'Window', and then '[name of browser window]' in the sub-menu;

                     2) Click 'Share' to share your screen with your customer service representative."

3) [AND THIS IS THE BIG ONE] To be able to pre-select the options available to the user SO ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS CLICK "SHARE" -- no confusion, no coaching; as seamless as could be expected. The user could for obvious security reasons still change the options if they wished, but allowing the app to preselect the option would go a long way to making the process simple and seamless for the user.

4) Able to skin the "Start Screen Sharing" dialog so that it looks like the rest of the branded application, even if it's only a colour change.

If all of these were possible, THE USER WOULD ONLY HAVE TO MAKE TWO CLICKS. Click "Yes" in the add-in install window (if it comes up at all), and click "Share" in the screen sharing dialog. Which means, that the user may only have to make ONE CLICK in a best case scenario, with NO coaching. That would allow us to deploy a robust, enterprise-capable, branded customer service app that would really make this technolgy shine.

Thank you,

Joseph Balderson

Flex & Flash Platform Developer


PS: again, fantastic job on allowing for screen sharing & control, bravo!

5 Replies


Level 2

I second Joe's post. We have been working on an enterprise beta for a top 25 fortune 500 with the goal to make seamless screen chare

functionality available without having to load a java applet (JVM required) or install a .net or .exe (windows only). Adobe's flash add-in

is probably the most elegant solution that is out there in terms of its seamless flash integration and it is a pitty that it doesn't get more
attention and prioritization. Why not open this to the developer community and let them help to make this widely adopted? There

doesn't seem to be enough resources within Adobe at this time to focus on making this a great feature from every response that

I have gotten myself or read on this forum. Adobe, let us help you. We are here to help make this a great experience and
have customers lined up that are not interested in ConnectNow but a custom white-label solution that meets their very specific
needs. Flash has the power to stay relevant with solutions like this one but the experience has to be flawless and flexible enough

to meet customers at point of need. Help us identify ways to push this higher up so we can stay loyal to this platform and serve

our own customers with an experience that we believe in. You are 80% there... :-)


Former Community Member

Hi Guys,

Unfortunately, the start sharing dialog is pretty sensitive business. This

isn't really something we can open up to the community. It's a bit of a

compromise between security and flexibility - the dialog can't be

customized, or malicious hackers could phish people into sharing


We're still listening to requests, but I hope you can appreciate that it's

considerable work to make any changes to the addin (similar to releasing a

new Player). So it's not something we're really contemplating at this time.

thanks for you input - we're always looking for feedback.



Level 2

Thanks Nigel. That's unfortunate, but understandable.

For companies with the resources and the patience to roll their own custom Java or .Net solution, this clunky user experience is a deal killer for using LCCS. If there is any way you guys can see your way clear to improving the  user experience by allowing any kind of preselection of menu options and  branding as mentioned above, that would go a long way to improving LCCS adoption.


Joseph Balderson

Flex & Flash Platform Developer



Level 1

Hi Nigel,

So, could it one day be as "generic" as the webcam authorization dialog?

Thanks for your attention!



Hi Gustavo,

Unfortunately not very soon.

