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can date field provide certain period of date?


Level 3

in the date field, it starts from today until 10 days later. and all other dates cannot be selected and are turned grey.

if this cannot be done, is there a validation method to check the 10days requirement?


2 Replies


Level 10


You can not limit the days that can be selected in the standard date picker, so you will need to validate what they have entered.  Something like;

if (this.formattedValue === this.rawValue) // Date format not recognised


    app.alert("Please enter a valid date");




    var DateRegex = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/;

    var d = DateRegex.exec(this.rawValue);

    if (d !== null)


        thisDate = new Date(d[1], d[2]-1, d[3]);

        var today = new Date(new Date(Date.now()).setHours(0,0,0,0)); // Time at start of day

        if (thisDate < today)


            app.alert("The date can not be before today");




            var todayPlus10Days = new Date(today.setDate(today.getDate() + 10));

            if (thisDate > todayPlus10Days)


                app.alert("The date can not be more than 10 days in the future");








Level 3

Thank you Bruce. the time validation is helpful!