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Can a Mac user open PDF files protected by livecycle policy?


Level 2


4 Replies


Level 2

One of our customers, a Mac user using adobe 9, trying to open protected PDF file, got an error message as shown in the attached screenshot.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting?

Thanks a lot.


Former Community Member

Ensure that the SSL certificate is trusted on the user's system.  Try using a web browser to navigate to the url of the RM server (i.e. https://servername:8443) to see if any certificate security warnings are displayed.  If so, this is your problem.

When Acrobat or Reader opens a rights managed document, it must establish a connection to the RM server over SSL, if the SSL certificate is not trusted (or there is a problem with the certificate) and that connection can't be established, you will receive the error that you are seeing.




Level 2

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your response.

The customer tried the SSL URL, and he didn't see security warnings (The JBOSS page displayed well).

Any other possibilities why he's getting that error message?

Thanks again.