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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Calling HTTPS webservice from PDF


Level 3

Hi All,

Is it possible to call a  webservice from a PDF over HTTPS?

I am able to connect to the service using HTTP.Now that webservice has to be secured and will be hosted on HTTPS.

Can a PDF call a HTTPS service?Does it require any additions settings /configuration in PDF to achieve this?


3 Respuestas


Level 10

Hi Leena,

We have not come across any problems, locally and in out integration test environments we use HTTP, in our UAT and production environments we use HTTPS,  nothing changes except the address we pre-populate in the PDF form when rendered.




Level 3

Hi Bruce/All,

We are facing one issue with Https.

For one of our functionalities as per the requirement we have submit
button inside the Reader Extended form and user to expected to the
submit the form. On click of Submit form the form has to be received
by Sharepoint and it needs to be stored inside Document repository.
For this the approach taken is to use the PDFSubmit function(Submit As
PDF) and post the form along with a page to a .aspx page(.NET).  This
page will in turn receive the Request stream, convert in to bytes and
will finally store the pdf document inside the Document repository.

This approach is working fine if we use the http protocol for
pdfSubmit. But whenever we use https URL the input stream coming
to .aspx page is of the length “0”. So in this case we were not able
to store the form along with the data in to the Sharepoint repository.

Please let me know what is going wrong here?

Thanks and Regards,
Leena Jain


Level 10

Hi Leena Jain,

We use a webservice for submission (so we can provide a response within the form) but I would have expected a post submission to work the same.

Are you getting any response within Reader, one of the yellow message bar messages below the menu bar?  Do you have a current certificate, or some redirection occuring?

