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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Calculate Script


Level 1

I designed a simple form ages ago and it all worked ok.

I now need to update this and added and extra couple of lines but cannot for the life of me get the calculate script to work.

There was a column adding up the lines above (on an invoice) and a 'total due' at the bottom.

I probably didn't do this right but changed the wording in Word, saved as a pdf, then opened the pdf in live cycle.

Opened the old form (that worked) and dragged all the boxes over to the new form, everything works except the calculate total button.

I looked in the script and it seems ok but when I test in preview it wont work.

Any help appreciated - but simple language as I am an utter beginner


4 Replies


Level 2

Can you share a screenshot of your objects tree and your script, please?


Level 1



I hope this is what you mean, thank you for your help. I'm sorry it probably looks very simple/rubbish!


Level 2

Thank you for sharing these, unfortunately I don't see the objects tree on your screenshot. It should appear on the left side if you click Shift+F11.

You are also welcome to share your form (if possible) so I can check into it.

We'll definitely solve that issue


Level 1

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my question - I don't know what I did but I fixed it and it is working now!

Thanks anyway