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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Calculate DropDown List items values


Level 7

I have 7 DDLists for the availability of the employees for 7 days the week.

DD1, DD2, DD3, DD4, DD5, DD6, DD7

The list items for all are the same:

Day, Evening, Night, N/A(Not Available)

How I can calculate  in a field  the Total Days of Availability

and in a separate field Total Days N/A?

Thank you

8 Replies


Level 7


First, my inclination would be to name all the DDLs the same--but label them differently. You can certainly do it using separate names as you have them now. but there is an advantage in having them the same as you will see. In the example blow, I have them all named DDLday, OK? So LiveCycle will look at them as: DDLday[0], DDLday[1] .... DDLday[6]  (you will see this in the Hiearchy Pallet)

Also, I have specified values in the Binding Tab of the Object Pallet, such that N/A has a bound value of 0 (You can do this differently with only slight modification of the script needed).

Finally, on the "calculate" event of the number field that will display the days available, using FormCalc, use the following:


var available = 0

var notAvailable = 0

for i = 0 upto 6 do

     if(DDLday(i) > "0")then

          available = available + 1



          notAvailable = notAvailable + 1




$ = available

NumNA = notAvailable



First, it declares a couple of variables to hold days available and days notAvailable and sets them both to zero

Second, it loops through all the DDLs and checks if the value is greater than 0. ("0" means notAvalable)

It adds a day to either available or notAvailable depending on > "0"

Then it displays the available number.

Finally, it puts the notAvailable in the other field named NumNA

This script will update when any of the DDLs are changed.

Hope this helps,



Level 7

Hi Stephen

here is my form: https://acrobat.com/app.html#o

Can you check what I am doing wrong?

Thank you


Level 7


The url you provided is not specific to your document--it is simply a link to acrobat.com--in other words, you need to go back and allow sharing of the document and post the url specific to the document.




Level 7


A few things to correct

1) You must use square brackets -- My Fault -- not sure how that one got past me!


2) DDLs can't have values the same for the items meaning change them to:

     0 = N/A, 1= Day, 2= Eve, 3= Nite

3) You only need the 1 script --don't place script on the NumNA field--delete that whole script

4) At the end of the script, you must reference the N/A Field correctly. You're not using the name you gave it--you're using the name I gave it so it can't find it.

     NumNA = notAvailable  //Either rename the NA field to NumNA  or change the script but putting the field name you're using

5) Finally, I don't remember coming accross this before, but the script needs to have the last 2 lines switched. It seems to matter.


var available = 0

var notAvailable = 0

for i = 0 upto 6 do

     if(DDLday[i] > "0")then    //square brackets

          available = available + 1



          notAvailable = notAvailable + 1




NumNA = notAvailable     //NumNA is the other field

$ = available                       // this must be the last line


So, 2 of the problems were my fault.

That should do it.



Level 7


Hi Stephen,  It is work first but When I have to change a item in a DDL the available and N/A days are not correct!

Thanks for all your help!


Level 7


A couple of things--I should have mentioned the 8 DDLs before.

1) You have 8 DDLday--the script only loops through the first 7: (DDLday[0] thru DDLday[6]).   Either delete the 8th DDLday or change the script to:

     for i = 0 upto 7 do

2) You have a variable and a field with the same name: "available"--that's a problem. Me? I would change the "available" field to NumAvail.  It is a good practice to name your fields using the type of field as part of the name--like you did with the DDLs.  This helps you tell variables apart from the fields.

     So, the 2 Fields can be NumNA and NumAvail

Otherwise, if you don't change the field name, you need to change the variable name.

That should fix it.



Level 7

Stephen, It's work fine now!

Thank you for let me learn....

Have a great year!