I have an xdp form which I can render to the browser and upon a submit I have a servlet that gets the xml. I would also like to have the PDF returned to me as well. I used the Quick Start: Handling submitted forms using the Java API found here http://livedocs.adobe.com/livecycle/8.2/programLC/prog...
I have this time sheet that has four "In" and four "Out" columns,and calculates hours worked in a two week pay period. There is a column on the right that calculates the hours worked for the day (see script below). I need it to round to the nearest quarter hour i.e.,If an employee arrives or leaves ...
Hi, We've installed Adobe Livecyle using configuration manager and chose Forms and Outout as the required components. The installation is successful but when we use FormsIVS or OutputIVS, we are getting an error message 'Not Serializable'. The websphere logs point to the error in FontManager. It l...
I realize that there are several pieces to this whole LiveCycle thing, but I and my colleagues find the robustness of the server log files somewhat overwhelming and extremely daunting. I am not even sure what question to ask or how to ask it. Basically I would like a list or a link to the descript...
Are there any known problems with showing / hiding a table column at run time? I have a dynamic table that contains a column with a checkbox, and another column with a radio button. If the user is allowed to select more than one table row (as indicated by a form variable), then I want to show the c...
Hi,how would i get a hidden subform to appear when the pdf is digitally signed, what i need to appear is:form1.page1.subform6.SubmitForm.presence = "visable";form1.page1.subform6.presence = "visable";
Hi!I cannot remove password from PDF document if Reader Extensions was applied and than removed. I am able to remove password using Acrobat, but not using removePDFPasswordSecurity component. There is no problem with password removal when I skip Reader Extension. But RE is required.Do You have a sim...
I am new to this and just starting to get my head a round it all, is there any way you can do trigonometry calculations like TAN, ATAN or SIN in excel in a form just like adding or subtraction.e.g =$H$1*ATAN((COS(C10)-0.15116)/SIN(C10))cheersrick
Hi,Im having trouble with "flow" and multi pages subforms.I got a copy of JP Terry's book and also purchased the PDF bible - neither seem to have what i need.My forms are about 6 pages long each, and i want them to expand a contract based on user interaction (ie they are asked to tick a checkbox to ...