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auto populate a date field in pdf


Level 1

in the form I am working on I have a date/time field. I need it to populate the current date when the form is open. I get it to work but it has the time on it. I only need the date. when I try to change it to display just the date. It will not auto populate ? please help. Thank you for any one who can help.

using adobe livecycle ES

2 Replies


Level 4


$.rawValue = num2date(Date(), "MM/DD/YYYY")



Former Community Member

I found out how to use current date.

To add current date fields in LifeCycle

You can use a date/time field to automatically show the current date by using the Runtime Property option in the Value tab of the Object palette.

Note:  When using a current date field, the date updates to reflect the system’s current date each time a user opens the form. 

1.  In the Object Library palette, click the Standard category and drag a Date/Time Field object onto the form design.

2.  In the Object palette, click the Value tab and select Calculated - Read Only from the Type list.

3.  Select the Runtime Property option.

4.  View the form in the Preview PDF tab.

Hope this helps!
