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Auto-fit Text in Text Field


Level 1

Hey all, I have designed a text field Designer and I was just wondering if it was possible to have the text resize itself while typing inside it in Acrobat.



5 Replies


Level 7

Yes, just set the font size to zero. The font will start out huge  (filling the width of the field) and will continue to shrink itself down as you type. Eventually it will get down to something like 4pt font and will then start overflowing the field unless you turn on Limit Length to Visible Area.


Level 1

But it wont let me change the font size to 0 it always goes back to 72 which I originally set.


Level 7

Did you import the form from some other program? You might have to drag in a new object to get it to work. My version of Designer allows setting the font size to 0.


Level 1

hey, I actually got it. i had to change it to "edit value" then chang ethe font size to 0.


Level 7

I didn't realize you had a caption on the field. You'll probably want to change the setting to "Edit Caption and Value" so that you can change either of them whenever you'd like.