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Any insight into Acrobat vs. Reader form display differences?


Level 3

I have a form with some fields that have only a bottom border (so they are underlined).  Those fields are sometimes active and sometimes inactive.  When they are active, the border is black.  When inactive, border is gray.  Here's the weird thing.  I designed them in LiveCycle and have used the form in Acrobat, and everything is fine in both of those environments.  But when I beta test it in Reader (as I just started doing), the underline borders are invisible when they are black.  They show up fine when they are gray.  Any insight?

Also, very strange behavior in Reader for my checkboxes.  Some of the checkboxes (the actual boxes, not the labels) do not show up in Reader UNTIL they have been checked, then they show up.

I really appreciate any insight.



2 Replies


Former Community Member

Can you take some screen shots and show us what you mean?



Level 3

Nevermind.  I was testing this on Adobe Reader on a co-worker's machine.  Turns out he is running reader on a server via Remote Desktop (which I didn't know, and couldn't tell).  When you do that, it jazzes up the highlighted fields in a way that obscures some field borders (but not others...  I never did figure out why the inconsistency).  Anyway, after found out he was running Remote Desktop, I tried it on a local computer, and it works ok.
