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AEC 10.3 swc


Former Community Member

Hi ,

I am just putting a drop of LCCS 10.3 swc that supports echo cancellation based on player 10.3 beta release yesterday. Its a local build for me and not tested and it doesn't have the multicast stuff either( as I just built it on our player 10 swc). I just wanted to throw out something for ppl to try out echo cancellation.

I am attaching the swc

Things you will need if you are using flex builder

a) you need to have additional compiler option as -target-player=12

b) You need to have the 10.3 playerglobal.swc in your Flex SDK

c) You need to have flash player 10.3 installed on your machine.

Since there are additional classes , we will in future have to give out a new swc for 10.3 in all likelihood. But for now, test and let us know how AEC works for you.

Hope this helps


Hironmay Basu

52 Replies



Just drag the lccs.swc to your projects libs directories.

The recommended approach would be, you can download the SDK to a preferred

location, and link the swc by linking the swc to your project. (Right

click on your project, (Properties + Flex Build Path + Library Path + Add





Level 3

I copied the playerglobal.swc into the SDK directory exactly as Arun describes above. I don't remember seeing any compiler errors when I moved to the 10.3 swc.


Former Community Member

Barry and Arun,

That is exactly what I did, so I guess I did it right!  I was just concerned because the last time I did this I used the LCCS navigator and it did everything for me.  I was afraid that there might be some other files it was installing that I didn't know about.

The compiler errors I'm getting probably have nothing to do with the new LCCS SDK, but more to do with the Flex 4.5.0 SDK.  I'm just getting the following 2 errors, which I didn't get before installing the 4.5 SDK:

1)  Can not resolve a multiname reference unambiguously. _class_embed_css_assets_black_start_icon_png_2045382513_738071692 (from _class_embed_css_assets_black_start_icon_png_2045382513_738071692) and components: _class_embed_css_assets_black_start_icon_png_2

2)  Could not resolve <fx:FlexPaperViewer> to a component implementation.

The first one is referring to an image stored in the "assets" directory which I use in a component.

The second one is referring to a 3rd party component called FlexPaperViewer, which is used to view pdfs which have been converted to swfs.

I know that this forum is not the place for this kind of troubleshooting of normal Flex compile errors, but if you've had the same kind of problem when moving to a newer Flex/LCCS SDK, I'd love to find out what's going on.  I'm sure the solution is pretty simple and I'm just overlooking something.

Thanks again,



Former Community Member

Ok, I got it working!  It turns out that my image icons for a button were being referenced twice which was causing the error!  Apparently the new Flex SDK did something to the way assets are being loaded.  I just removed the call to my style sheet and everything works!

On another note, the AEC works brilliantly!  Thank you so much Hironmay, Nigel, Raff, Arun, Fang, and whoever else was responsible for making this happen!



Level 4

Hey guys,

How would one monitor whether the mic is enhanced (using AEC) or stardard mic ? Can I bind to a property or do I need to keep creating a new instance of Enhanced Mic and if it's a null then I know it's not using AEC? Haven't seen anything in the docs / code, maybe missed something :-/

Alex G.



Hi Alex,

By default we use the enhanced mic if the player version is 10.3 and above [assuming that everyone wants enhanced and latest stuff]. So you can check your clients Flash player version to check if he would be using Mic with AEC enabled.




Level 4

But even if FP10.3 is used AEC is not necessarily always going to be on/used due to the limitations/restrictions described here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/acoustic-echo-cancellation.html right ?


Level 2

Hi Guys,

So I've been away from the LCCS world for a few months working on other feature set for our product.  I'm back now, though, and have spent a couple hours trying to update to the latest build of LCCS so we can use AEC.  I'm having a hard time getting things to run without VerifyErrors though, which are always my favorite type of error to debug, which is why I thought I would share the fun with you guys.  Here is what I have done so far:

1. downloaded the latest LCCS SDK and placed the flashOnly/lccsFlash.swc

2. downloaded Flex 4.5 and set it up in the preferences of Flash Builder 4 as an available SDK

3. followed aponusa's 4 steps above to get the 10.3 playerglobal.swc in the correct locations within the Flex 4.5 SDK folder hierarchy, to add the -swf-version=12 compiler flag, and to specifically target 10.3.0

I can successfully compile the application, but when I run it I get the following:

VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of recordMessages in com.adobe.rtc.session.managers.SessionManagerFMS.

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable button_yes is not defined.

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable button_no is not defined.

Note that I am building an AS3 only project with no use of the Flex SDK.  Thus steps 2 and 3 above seems potentially superfluous, though I eventually realized that the compiler settings dialog for the project complains that "swf-version" is not a valid option unless I have the Flex 4.5 SDK selected.  In my previous build where everything worked properly I had Flex 4.1 selected, the Flash Player set to "use minimum version required" (which was showing as 10.0.0), with the lccsFlash.swc for 10.1 and the playerglobal.swc for 10.1 both specified within the project's library path settings.

Not really sure what the next step is to get this working.


Level 1

Hi Arun,

Can you tell me if this swc would work only if I am using the Adobe LCCS services?

Right now, I am developing my custom application and I would want to leverage AEC, can I use the same swc you've attached in this post?

Thanks a bunch.


Level 2

I figured out what was happening with the VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of recordMessages error.  I have some loaded assets that compile against a common codebase and they needed to be recompiled to pick up the updated LCCS SWC.  They don't actually make use of LCCS, but the inconsistency was causing the error.


Level 2

You don't need LCCS to make use of AEC.  It's built into Flash Player 10.3 and you can use the extended microphone options to contol it.