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Adobe Reader Closes automatically while the form is large


Former Community Member

Hi ,

I am having the application PDF which is stitched dynamically. Here In the PDF user can enter N number of location and corresponding details.

When the Locations is increased then the Data volume also will be increased. and also in the PDf has N number of tabs(Like Home , Help .. etc ) .

We also have some functions like submit , Export XML , Import XMl .....

All the functions are working fine but

when the form is large and user navigates different panel (via clicking the button) the the PDF is closed automatically.

Example : - In the PDF I have two Panel/Tabs Like P1 , P2 . When I clicks,

P1 - Some calcaulation (Reading the data from XML and N Number of loops and calculate value)

P2 - To View the Value based on the P1 calcuation

Problem : -

If user Clicks P2 then calcuation is working Ok and clicks p1 then Adobe Reader Closed.

If User Clicks P2 and clicks P1 then OK but user clicks again p2 and p1 then Adobe Reader Closed.

Adobe Reader automatically closed first time or 2nd or 3rd......

But I having these issue only for Large PDF. Current issue PDF has 6 MB and the exported XML is 2 MB .

Is any Memory issue ??

Any Ideas..??



6 Replies


Level 10


I would say you are definitely coming up against memory restrictions. There are a couple of posts by John Brinkman that I would recommend.

First I would look at why the form is 6Mb and see if you can reduce this down. For example, select fonts that are already in Reader (like Myriad Pro) and then deselect Embed Fonts in the File > Form Properties > Save Options. Also do not embed images into the form. See:

Next look at your script. You mention loops, so check is your script efficient. For example, use xfa.resolveNodes() once outside of the loop, instead of xfa.resolveNode() inside the loop. Make sure that variables are declared. See:

Also check for any script that you have in events that fire frequently, like layout:ready event and comment these out. See.

The dataset seems very large at 2Mb. Does this include image data? It may be that the user is interacting with the form, while it is still trying to process the XML and the loops.

Hope that helps,



Former Community Member


After the dynamic stitching My form size is nearly 1 MB only but once the reader extended with form then size will be increaed to 6 MB and there is no embedded font and image.

XML also doesnt have any image. Based on the interaction with PDF by user , XML size will be increased and XML elements also will be added and removed .

I have below problem during the process. (while clicks button).

When I clicks the button , it will read the data from xml and do some calculation and resetting the value in the XML elements. Here we are using the Xfa.resolvenode to read the data from XML and also which has N Number of loops.

While doing this process application PDF (adobe Reader ) nearly takes 1.5 GB  system PF usage memory and this process works fine. But when i clicks some other functions then that PF usge Memory is still increasing from 1.5 GB.

So Here My assumption is Application is not releasing any memory after the process and still it continues while doing other process in the PDF..

Beecause of above reason Adobe reader Closed.

So Is any ideas to refersh/ release memory ?

Any Ideas to aviod this problem ?

Advance Thanks.



Level 10

Sorry Dhiyane,

I don't think I am the best person to help you. Hopefully someone will have a better lead for you.

Good luck,



Former Community Member

Can you indicate which versions of Reader Extensions, Designer and the target version of the template are?



Former Community Member

Hi Paul ,

To design - Adobe Live cycle Designer ES 8.2  

XDP will be stitched dynamically and rendered as s PDF - Adobe Live cycle Server

Users -

Adobe Reader 9.3

Intel 1.3 GHZ

Microsoft windows xp service pack 2/3 - 32 bit


Users can able to do all the functions which are availble in the PDF . But when the form is large then

the form is closed.

Some time it works fine . But while doing the same process 2 nd or 3 rd time then again the form is closed. Some time it closed first time itself.

and few info

1. The PDF usge memory is keep on increasing while doing the manipulation in the PDF.

2. CPU usage memory is going upto 100 %

Advance Thanks



Former Community Member

Certainly sounds and acts like a memory issue .....can you send the form along so i can see it? Send it to LiveCycle8@gmail.com
