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Adding field data to subject line and body of email


Former Community Member


I have created a form that can be submitted by e-mail. I would like the data entered into the form to populate the subject line and body of the email but have no idea of how to script this. I would be grateful if someone could have a look at the form and see how I can achieve this.

For example

subject line: Travel and accommodation form [Name] [EventName] [StartDate]


Please open the attached travel and accommodation for for [Name] who will be attending [EventName] on the [Start Date]

Here is the code for my button:

<field name="Submit" y="219.075mm" x="139.7mm" w="34.925mm" h="6mm">
            <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
               <para vAlign="middle" hAlign="center"/>
               <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
            <border hand="right">
               <?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?>
               <edge stroke="raised"/>
                  <color value="212,208,200"/>
            <bind match="none"/>
            <event activity="click">
               <submit format="pdf" textEncoding="UTF-16" target=mailto:myaddress@test.com xdpContent="pdf datasets xfdf"/>

Please excuse my ignorance as not competent with XML so any help would be gratefully received. Have already tried some methods posted on here already but not helped.

3 Replies


Level 4

Use the old way, this is, create a regular button and on the click event use something like this:

var oDoc = event.target;

bUI: true,
cTo: "aa@bb.cc",
cCC: "11@22.33",
cSubject: "TEXT " + field.rawValue + " more text",


Former Community Member


Thanks for your help. I understand the code but do not understand how it fits in with the code - as the code for regular button is as follows:

         <field name="Button1" y="219.075mm" x="142.875mm" w="28.575mm" h="6mm">
            <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
               <para vAlign="middle" hAlign="center"/>
               <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
            <border hand="right">
               <?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?>
               <edge stroke="raised"/>
                  <color value="212,208,200"/>
            <bind match="none"/>

Or if I chose a regular button and then choose "submit" as it's function I have

         <field name="Button1" y="219.075mm" x="139.7mm" w="34.925mm" h="6mm">
            <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
               <para vAlign="middle" hAlign="center"/>
               <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
            <border hand="right">
               <?templateDesigner StyleID apbx2?>
               <edge stroke="raised"/>
                  <color value="212,208,200"/>
            <bind match="none"/>
            <event activity="click">
               <submit format="pdf" textEncoding="UTF-16" xdpContent="pdf datasets xfdf"/>

Thanks again


Level 4

Put it in the Click event of a Button with the control type set to regular.