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Wrong Operand Type Error Message - please help


Former Community Member
I have built a form and I keep getting the message - Wrong Operand Type every time I either try to preview or save to PDF as the file suddenly becomes 90% blank (I can see the content boxes for any date fields in the form and if I click the highlight fields option I can see place holders for all of the content) but other than that it wont process properly. I have tried going through the document and made sure that item by item the fields are all inline with each other, have the same fonts, etc. I even tried deleting out every single item in the form, previewing it, then placing that item back in and moving on to the next to try a process of elimination to see if I could figure out what item(s) were causing the problem, but still no luck.

Please help.

7 Replies


Former Community Member
Did you ever get an answer to this problem? I have the same issue and can't figure out what I've done wrong.

Please share the knowledge if you've been enlightened.

Thank you!


Former Community Member
I have also encountered this problem. Has anyone resolved this issue, or are people simply finding some other obscure work around?


Level 7
This sounds like a problem with rendering of the PDF. Have you tried to save the form, close LiveCycle Designer and then open the form with Acrobat?


Former Community Member
I opened the document in Acrobat Reader 7.0. This is when I receive the wrong operand type error. I'm hoping to find some tool that will help me find specifically what is wrong with the document, a debugging tool of sorts. Does anyone know if such a tool exists for PDF documents?


Level 1

I, too, am having this error message. I read somewhere that it is either because of the font Helvetica Nueue, or because the files is being shared between a PC and a Mac. The quickest fix I have found, is to take the pdf and open it in Illustrator and convert all the text to curves. Then it should work correctly.

I don't think anyone has found a definitive answer.



Level 1

I had this problem on a indesign file designed by someone else. So i opened the file in indesign & selected all element in a page (Ctrl+A) and carefully unselected each visible and required elements. Atlast one null element remained. But i don't know what it is yet, as i'm not the original designer of the indesign file. I deleted the unkown null object. And it worked fine...


Level 1

Just happened to me on a current Adobe Acrobat DC Pro... Could not even print. Opened in Illustrator, saved as PDF and it's all better. Just FYI. Could not get inDesign to load it.