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Watched folder question


Level 4

In a thread of 7.x Assembler I read about the possibility to drop a folder into a watched folder to be able to assemble all the files in this folder.

I have a question about this, is there a way to retrieve the name of the droped folder?


4 Replies


Level 4
Ok, I found it.

The %F mapping on the output parameter gives the folder name to the assembled pdf.



Level 4

So, another question:

When I have my Map with the files from the picked folder, is there an easy way to sort these files because I need to assemble them in the correct order. The file names that are in the dropped folder are numbered like filename__1.pdf, filename__2.pdf and they have to be assembled in the exact order.

Anybody have an idea?




Former Community Member
Here is the DDX to use for the Assembler invokeDDX operation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">

   <PDF result="result.pdf">

      <PDF sourceMatch="filename__[\d+][.]pdf"/>



- JK


Level 4
Hi JK,

Thanks for your awnser. I will try this in my process.

But I think I managed to do this in a different way.

I made a script in a Excecute Script operation and used Java code to sort a List containing my filenames. After that I used this sorted List to create the DDX, also in the same Excecute Script with Java code.

I tested this a couple of times and it seems to work so far.

