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Upload / Attach File in form


Former Community Member
I'm new to the LiveCycle Designer, so please bare with me.

I need to design a form that will allow a user to link/attach files. When the user submits the form we would like the form to link to the documents like a hyperlink.

Please help the newbie.
284 Replies


Level 2
You can get those files from




I have uploaded them for everyone's use.

The pdf file will work when opened in Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended 9

It will not work with Acrobat Reader.


Level 2
The problem is when I use this Add File button along with the javascript code in the PDF and use that PDF as a form for my web-application.

When I view it in Internet Explorer, again the Add File button doesn't works, (what my understanding here is IE again uses Acrobat Reader for opening the PDF), that's why it doesn't displays open dialog box.

Any work around of this, friends??


Former Community Member
can i have the script please


thank you


Former Community Member
can i have the script please


thank you!


Level 2
check #248 of this thread.


Former Community Member
I'm looking for a way to attach files to a pdf using reader. After much research however it appears it is impossible to enable anyone using reader to attach a file if the original form is created using acrobat. Additionally I have buttons that use icons I created in Photoshop and these are not avaliable in LiveCycle. Is there any way to use the buttons I have created (which work in acrobat 9) to allow our customers to attach a file?

As a note I have enabled rights but this will not allow me to attach anything from reader. Also I learned that I would be able to attach an item using javascript as FDF data but would require a source to remove the attachment.

Also I'd like to note that this is not simple easy or anything else I have loved about adobe products since I first picked up Photoshop.




Former Community Member
You can upload attachments in Reader but the file must be Reader Extended using LiveCycle Server and not Acrobat. Acrobat will only enable local saving and digital signatures. LiveCycle Server allows yo to extend the file for more things (including attachments).


Former Community Member
Thanks Paul. So Live Cycle server is an actual server application is it that we need to install onto our organisations server, or is it a service offered through Adobes servers?


Former Community Member
Typically Customers will load it on their own servers ..... I believe there is an option to have Adobe host the solution. You woudl have to contact a sales rep to pursue.


Level 2
Hi Paul,

Right now I don't have LiveCycle Server (I don't know if the free Blaze DS can work with that... I don't know much about it).

I was thinking about using the second way (i.e. create an image field with a button to add more fields to attach pictures), but the best would be the first way if it is possible...

What I could do is create the file in LCD, then open it in Acrobat and extend it for Reader... From what I understand, it won't do the same thing, but if I can save locally, that would work (I don't need to save on a server or something like that). The question is: will the files be embed or will I have to copy the files (images) with the pdf if I move it on another machine?

At first I wanted to check if there's a way in LCD to comunicate with Acrobat and create a kind of Portfolio... but I suppose this wouldn't work with Reader anyway...

Anyway, can you send me the script (I don't know if it's already in the post... but there's more than 250 posts right now) and I may be able to tweak it a little bit (if I am, I'll post the result here).

Send it to nelson@nelmedia.ca

Thank you.


Former Community Member
Just sent it


Former Community Member
Can the attach File in Form be extended to Reader?


Former Community Member
You can only add file attachments in Reader if you Reader Extend the form using LiveCycle Reader Extensions server.


Former Community Member
So if you try to do it from Acrobat Pro it would not work?


Former Community Member
Yes it will work in Acrobat pro


Former Community Member
Sorry what I meant was if I extend in Acrobat 9 it would not work it has to be extend using Reader Extention Server..

Is there a way to get a single feature like attachments enabled without paying the high dollars?


Former Community Member
Not that I am aware of.


Former Community Member
Can you please send me the script as well. I wish to enable users to attach a file from their harddisk onto the form..

Thanks in advance

my email id is : jatinpasrija@gmail.com


Former Community Member
Just sent it


Level 2
Hi Paul,

If you would, please send the script for attaching a file to a form to me.




Former Community Member
Just sent it