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Upload / Attach File in form


Former Community Member
I'm new to the LiveCycle Designer, so please bare with me.

I need to design a form that will allow a user to link/attach files. When the user submits the form we would like the form to link to the documents like a hyperlink.

Please help the newbie.
284 Replies


Former Community Member
Dear Paul,

may you can send me also the code that allows to attach a file to a pdf?

thanks a lot.





Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

I saw your post about the JavaScript code that will allow attachments in a pdf file. Could you please send me the code? Thanks.



Former Community Member
Just sent it


Former Community Member
Hi Paul, I'm very new to LiveCycle, and have the same question about allowing the form-filler to attach files. Could you send the code to manningp@umich.edu? Does this have step-by-step instructions on how/where to enter the code, etc.? Like I said, I'm just learning the whole system this past week. Thanks so much! Patrick


Former Community Member

Could someone send me a copy of the script. Thank you.



Former Community Member
Just sent it to both of you


Level 2
Could you send me this code as well. Thanks.

I have everything completed on this form except for adding a file to the form. kimsnyder@sympatico.ca




Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

I am new in LC ES. Could you please send me the code for attaching files in PDF form in the following address



Former Community Member

I too would like to see the file. Thank you very much!



Former Community Member
This sounds very encouraging. I am trying to make an intake system for a photo contest. Submitters download a pdf, fill in data fields in Reader, attach a .jpg or tiff and upload to a url/. from there I hope to map it into a spreadsheet, generate confirming e--mail etc. but first I need to enable the attach/upload functionality. I was trying to do it in Acrobat Pro 8 on a Mac but decided I needed to switch to Windows and Designer and a dynamic form to pull it off. Don't know what I am doing, but am trying to muddle through with Podova's Acrobat 8 PDF Bible and a little help from friends. Can you send the script that has been mentioned here and any other aid you can?



Former Community Member
You didn't include your email address .....remember that you have to Reader Exted the form to allow attachments if you intend to use this with Reader.


Former Community Member
sorry. I am a new forum member.



Former Community Member
Just sent it


Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

Can you please send me the code that allows to attach a file to a pdf? I can be reached at niloys@gmail.com

Thank You,



Former Community Member
Just sent it


Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

Can you please send me the code that allows to attach a file to a pdf? I can be reached at sarrington@arccorp.com

Thank You


Former Community Member


Former Community Member
Thank you for sending the sample. I used it to start building a form and it has been promising and challenging. But I must have changed a setting or something that enabled the attached file button to do its job. It was working and now it does not. I may have done it when I was fumbling with the recipe for extending Reader until I realized I had to save the Designer form then open it in Acrobat Pro 8 to do that.

I have the original sample you sent and that does not attach files either when tested in Preview PDF tab, although the other ones do. I don't think I did anything to affect the java script, although it acts that way.

I hate to bother you again, but can you advise? If I sent you the form I am working on would that help? My next step is to get into the dynamic subpage creation, but I dont want to start on that until I have the attach file functionality restored.


Former Community Member

The form you sent me (AttachmentTest2_version8_launch_attachment_new.xdp)

was working well, then it stopped attaching files. Then it suddenly started working again this morning when I was showing someone the problem I was having. We had lots of programs and files open. But then it stopped working again.

I tried closing down and re-booting, but still get the same result, working from your original file. When it is not working for me I get a warning message when I click on any button:

"You cannot save a completed copy of this form on your computer. If you would like a copy for your records, please fill it in and print it."

I don't see this message when the form is functioning.

After I click the close box to make the warning go away the attach file button turns blue when I click on it, and that's all. The others seem to be running their scripts, but since their action is dependent on the first they have nothing to do.

Am I turning something on and off without realizing it?




Former Community Member
Do you have Reader and Acrobat on the same machine? Did you Reader extend the form to allow attachments?


Former Community Member
I did install reader on the same machine yesterday, but I am trying to run the xdp form in LiveCycle. Do I need to save it as a pdf and open it in Acrobat, and extend the form using advanced before I can continue editing with the xdp file?

Just having Reader on the machine is the problem?