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Text box continuing from one page to the next


Former Community Member
I am using LiveCycle Designer ES to create land use application forms. I need to be able to create a text box that will expand with whatever amount of information the user needs to submit. These boxes need to be able to cover anywhere from 5 lines to possibly 2 pages. The information or next question and remaining items in the application need to be able to move down the pages to allow for various amounts of information in the text boxes submitted by the user. The box I created will take any amount of information but it scrolls it so when you print out the application you have a small plus sign (+)in the lower right hand corner but the information within the box does not print out. Is it possible to create such a box?
14 Replies


Former Community Member
Yes you can. The form has to be built correctly (as a dynamic form). There is a good example that ships with the product (dynammic Interactive Purchase Order). Have a look at the comments field (it will do the same thing that you are asking). The sample can be found here:

Designer Install Directory\EN\Samples\Forms\Purchase Order\Dynamic Interactive\Forms


Former Community Member
Thanks Paul, but this doesn't work. The text box in the sample is set to the visible area only. Even if you set it to unlimited then it scrolls the information which is where the problem is. You cannot print the information out in hard copy because of it scrolling. I need the box to expand down to the bottom of what the end user types in. Example: #5 What is the legal description of the proposed CUP boundary? This answer might be as short as: Lot 3 Block 8 Happy Apple Subdivision or it could be as long as one full typed page. This is a 17 page document with various areas where substantial information needs to be entered so it would have to push the questions and text boxes down through the pages whereas it could end up being a 20 or more page, printed document. I really don't think this program is capable of what my supervisor is wanting so PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!


Former Community Member
Send your form to livecycle8@gmail.com and I will have a look. Outline in the email what you want done.


Level 1
Was an answer found to this question? I have a similar problem and would love to have the solution.




Former Community Member
Yes there was ....it was specific to Donna Monroe's form. If you want to send your form to livecycle8gmail.com I will have a look at yours as well. Make sure you outline the issue and how to duplicate it.


Former Community Member
Now that I have a text box that will continue to the next page I have a problem with that page. It is a master page instead of being page 3 and I can't add anything else to it. How do I change it from a master page to page 3? And is it possible to keep the page number in the lower right hand corner of page 2 with a text box that carries over to page 3?



Former Community Member
When the text box goes to the next page instead of being page 3 it goes to a master page where you can't enter any more information and then page 3 is below that. How do I get it to go to page 3 without adding the master page? Also, is it possible to keep the page number (page 2)visible when the text box expands down to page 3?



Former Community Member
If you look at the pagination tab of the subform that is getting spread across the page you can indicate where you want to go afterwards.


Former Community Member
Hello. I am fairly new to creating PDF forms. I am having a similar problem with printing the entirety of a form field. I can't find a clear cut answer above. Can someone help me troubleshoot how to have the wrapped text print? It's not a problem for our online submitters as we can read the text by scrolling, but from time to time we will have someone need to print the form and I need to be able to see this information.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Sabrina (the new user:0))


Former Community Member
Usually it is because you have not structured your form correctly. It needs to be segmented into flowable subforms to allow that to work correctly. Have a look at the Dynamic Purchase order sample it does what you want.

The sample can be found in the Designer install directory:

EN\Samples\Forms\Purchase Order\Dynamic Interactive\Forms


Level 4
I have a similar problem and have looked at the above samble but mine has two fields side by side and only one expands. Looks unprofessional. How do I get both sides to increase to fit and have all texts underneath move down accordingly.


Former Community Member
Send the form to livecycle8@gmail.com and I will have a look.


Level 1

I am new to adobe livecycle, having similar issues with the current form I m building. I can't get the text to flow from one page to the next like in a word document... I checked the box "allow page break within content" but not seeing results. Would anyone be able to help? Thanks


Level 10


You need to make sure that your form is saved as a Dynamic XML Form in the save-as dialog.

Next you will need to set the page to a Flowed layout, see Object > Subform palette and change the type from Positioned to Flowed. This will probably mess up your layout. If so click undo and work through your objects, grouping objects that don't grow and placing them in Positioned subforms. Then when you change the page layout to Flowed your form wont be changed too much. You will still probably need to make a few small changes to margins, etc.

The Flowed layout allows Acrobat/Reader to create new instances of the page if object grow beyond the bottom of the page.

There is an example here: http://assure.ly/g80MVY.

Example 3 has an object that can grow in hright, but will not overflow onto a new page (probably what you have now). Example 4 has a diffeent Flowed page layout that will create a new page if the object overflows.

Hope that helps,


Assure Dynamics