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Subform Question


Level 2
I have a LiveCycle dynamic form that has a subform that allows the user to add additional line (works great).

What I am stumbling with is the validation working on all rows. The validation script works on the initial row, but does not flow to the added rows. What I am think might work, is to look at the subform occurrance and qualify off that, but I don't have any idea how to do it.

If someone could let me know if I am looking in the right direction, has a better way, or has run up against this, any information would be greatly appreciated.
7 Replies


Former Community Member
can you paste the script here? Is it universal?


Level 2

Sorry about the delay. I have been out of the office. Here is the script.

----- form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.AddALine::click - (JavaScript, client) ----------------------

////Validate TaxType has been selected

var aVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == null) && (Detail.ItemNum.rawValue != null))


app.alert("Please select a tax type.");

aVar = 1;




aVar = 0;


////Validate Yr

var bVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue > 0) && (Detail.Yr.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the year for the request.");

bVar = 1;




bVar = 0;


////Validate Qtr

var cVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue >= 1) && (Detail.Qtr.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the quarter for the request.");

cVar = 1;


else if ((Detail.Qtr.rawValue < 1) || (Detail.Qtr.rawValue >4))


app.alert("Please enter a valid number.");

Detail.Qtr.rawValue = null;

cVar = 1;




cVar = 0;


////Validate State

var dVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 3) && (Detail.J_State.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please select the state needed.");

dVar = 1;




dVar = 0;


////Validate Local

var eVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 4) && (Detail.J_Local.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the local jurisdiction needed.");

eVar = 1;




eVar = 0;


if ((aVar == 0) && (bVar == 0) && (cVar == 0) && (dVar == 0) && (eVar == 0))


Request._Detail.addInstance (true);


Thanks so much form looking at this for me.


Former Community Member
ok, it's all clear now. Please send me this form and I will try to fix it and then I will write a solution here.

My e-mail is kordulasinski.krzysztof@gmail.com


Former Community Member
ok, so, first of all it would be nice to know, how many instances do we have:

var numberOfDetail = xfa.resolveNodes("Detail[*]").length;

Then we have to make sure, that we check all the instances, so:

for(var i = 1 ; i <= numberOfDetail ; i++)


and then we have to make the validation universal so we gonna reference the fields by using their index. So if you want to access a field value, please make it like this:

var fTaxType = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].TaxType");

if (fTaxType.rawValue == null)

It would be nice to set focus on the perticular field (with error):

this.rawValue = xfa.host.setFocus(fTaxType);

Tell me if you got it all and if it works.


Level 2

I have added what you have above and I am now having a different error. The validation popups are working on the first line only. The debugger is showing the following if I click addALine on the second instance with no date entered or if I have selected the TaxType and have not completed the request. Also the setFocus does not seem to be working, the curse is not visible in the called field.

GeneralError: Operation failed.


SOM expression returned list when single result was expected

This is the script now

----- form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.AddALine::click - (JavaScript, client) ----------------------

////Validate TaxType has been selected

var aVar = 0

var numberOfDetail = xfa.resolveNode("Detail[*]").length

var i = 1 <= numberOfDetail ; i++

var fTaxType = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].TaxType");

if (fTaxType.rawValue == null)



app.alert("Please select a Tax Type.");

aVar = 1;




aVar = 0;


////Validate Yr has been selected

var bVar = 0

var fYr = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].Yr");

if (fYr.rawValue == null)



app.alert("Please select a Year.");

bVar = 1;




bVar = 0;


////Validate Qtr

var cVar = 0

var fQtr = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].Qtr");

if ((fTaxType.rawValue >= 1) && (fQtr.rawValue == null))



app.alert("Please enter the quarter number.");

cVar = 1;




cVar = 0;


////Validate State

var dVar = 0

var fJ_State = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].J_State");

if ((fTaxType.rawValue == 3) && (fJ_State.rawValue == null))



app.alert("Please select a state.");

dVar = 1;




dVar = 0;


////Validate Local

var eVar = 0

var fJ_Local = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].J_Local");

if ((fTaxType.rawValue == 4) && (fJ_Local.rawValue == null))



app.alert("Please select enter the local jurisdiction.");

eVar = 1;




eVar = 0;


////////////Argument to add a line

if ((Request._Detail.count == Request._Detail.max - 1) && ((aVar == 0) && (bVar == 0) && (cVar == 0) && (dVar == 0) && (eVar == 0)))


app.alert("The maximum number of items allowed per form is 10./n/nThis is the last entry for this request",3,0);

Request._Detail.addInstance (true);


else if ((aVar == 0) && (bVar == 0) && (cVar == 0) && (dVar == 0) && (eVar == 0))


Request._Detail.addInstance (true);



Former Community Member
I'm pasting the whole script, b/c I see some errors in yours. You will be able to figure it out.

----- form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.AddALine::click: - (JavaScript, client) ---------------------

//check the number of DETAIL instances

var numberOfDetail = xfa.resolveNodes("Detail[*]").length;

//start a FOR loop on all the DETAILS

for(var i = 1 ; i <= numberOfDetail ; i++)


////Validate TaxType has been selected

var aVar = 0

//this is a way to get the TaxType field using the "i" index. It is "i-1" b/c it uses the 0 based index. I know we can do it another way, but it works

var fTaxType = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].TaxType");

if (fTaxType.rawValue == null)


app.alert("Please select a tax type.");

aVar = 1;

this.rawValue = xfa.host.setFocus(fTaxType);




aVar = 0;


////Validate Yr

var bVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue >= 0) && (Detail.Yr.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the year for the request.");

bVar = 1;




bVar = 0;


////Validate Qtr

var cVar = 0

if (((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 1)|| (Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 2) || (Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 3) || (Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 4)) && (Detail.Qtr.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the quarter for the request.");

cVar = 1;


else if (((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 1)|| (Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 2) || (Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 3) || (Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 4)) && (Detail.Qtr.rawValue < 1) || (Detail.Qtr.rawValue > 4))


app.alert("Please enter a valid number.");

Detail.Qtr.rawValue = null;

cVar = 1;




cVar = 0;


////Validate State

var dVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 3) && (Detail.J_State.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please select the state needed.");

dVar = 1;




dVar = 0;


////Validate Local

var eVar = 0

if ((Detail.TaxType.rawValue == 4) && (Detail.J_Local.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the local jurisdiction needed.");

eVar = 1;




eVar = 0;




if ((aVar == 0) && (bVar == 0) && (cVar == 0) && (dVar == 0) && (eVar == 0))


Request._Detail.addInstance (true);



Level 2

Thank you so much. You are a great teacher for resolveNode. I have added the other fields to resolveNode and the verification works perfectly on all fields and instances.

I am posting the completed script so that if someone has the same question they can refer to what you have taught me.

----- form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.AddALine::click - (JavaScript, both) ------------------------

//check the number of DETAIL instances

var numberOfDetail = xfa.resolveNodes("Detail[*]").length;

//start a FOR loop on all the DETAILS

for(var i = 1 ; i <= numberOfDetail ; i++) {

////Validate TaxType has been selected

var aVar = 0

//this is a way to get the TaxType field using the "i" index. It is "i-1" b/c it uses the 0 based index. I know we can do it another way, but it works

var fTaxType = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].TaxType");

var fYr = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].Yr");

var fQtr = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].Qtr");

var fJ_State = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].J_State");

var fJ_Local = xfa.resolveNode("form1.Header.CompanyInfo.Request.Detail["+ (i-1) +"].J_Local");

if (fTaxType.rawValue == null)


app.alert("Please select a tax type.");

aVar = 1;




aVar = 0;


////Validate Yr

var bVar = 0

if (fYr.rawValue == null)


app.alert("Please enter the year for the request.");

bVar = 1;




bVar = 0;


////Validate Qtr

var cVar = 0

if (((fTaxType.rawValue == 1) || (fTaxType.rawValue == 2) || (fTaxType.rawValue == 3) || (fTaxType.rawValue == 4)) && (fQtr.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the quarter for the request.");

cVar = 1;


else if (((fTaxType.rawValue == 1) || (fTaxType.rawValue == 2) || (fTaxType.rawValue == 3) || (fTaxType.rawValue == 4)) && (fQtr.rawValue < 1) || (fQtr.rawValue > 4))


app.alert("Please enter a valid quarter number.");

fQtr.rawValue = null;

cVar = 1;




cVar = 0;


////Validate State

var dVar = 0

if ((fTaxType.rawValue == 3) && (fJ_State.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please select the state needed.");

dVar = 1;




dVar = 0;


////Validate Local

var eVar = 0

if ((fTaxType.rawValue == 4) && (fJ_Local.rawValue == null))


app.alert("Please enter the local jurisdiction needed.");

eVar = 1;




eVar = 0;




////////////Argument to add a line

if ((Request._Detail.count == Request._Detail.max - 1) && ((aVar == 0) && (bVar == 0) && (cVar == 0) && (dVar == 0) && (eVar == 0)))


app.alert("The maximum number of items allowed per form is 10.\n\nThis is the last entry for this request",3,0);

Request._Detail.addInstance (true);


else if ((aVar == 0) && (bVar == 0) && (cVar == 0) && (dVar == 0) && (eVar == 0))


Request._Detail.addInstance (true);
