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Render form and assign it to user


Former Community Member

i've got a problem with a process which should be quite easy to design but isn't in fact. I use a pdf as input variable stored in a xfaform process variable. The user enters the information and then I take the data and call a forms rendering, which renders the data with a xdp. And now I want to take the rendered pdf and assign it to a user so that he can accept or decline or change something. The xdp has got a different layout than the first pdf. I assign the output of forms (type document) to a user and everything works fine but the user is not able to submit this pdf after he checked 'accept' for example. So I am not able to process the result of the second pdf. Please help me ;-)


EDIT: when the task is assigned to the user, this user is able to view the form. He can fill out the fields but when I try to click the complete button nothing happens. I use not the Forms render service but the samples Render PDF Form service
6 Replies


Level 9
Hi Sebastian

It's very hard to diagnose the problem from your description, but I'll try to help.

Can you use the second form to initiate a new process? It looks like there may be something wrong with your form?

Another question - why are you explicitly rendering the form, and assigning it to a user as a document. It's generally much easier to just use a regular xfaForm variable, which will do the rendering automatically. You can still use a different xfa variable, with a different template, so the form will look different.




Former Community Member

the next day after my psoting I changed my process and only used xfaForm variables with a custom render service. As far as I can see this is working:)Thanks for your reply!



Former Community Member
Okay, the next problem. I have to use a custom render service which I call via WebService, because there are some methods implemented (e.g. Stitching), which I don't have when rendering with the default render service. The rendering works fine, but when the user opens the form assigned to his new taks, there is no complete button. When I render exactly the same XDP with the default render service, the complete button is there. Within my custom render service I insert the form bridge in the end like the render example. First I set the forumlarData with setValue, then I call the webservice which returns the renderedDocument base64 encoded. So I decode it and after that i inject the form bridge and return the document. Don't know why this complete button stuff is not working. Need help ;-)



Former Community Member
I should add, that my customer render service uses Forms 7 to render the pdf. Could this be the problem?


Level 9
Instead of using the Form Augmenter service, try explicitly adding the Form Bridge into your form. You can find it on the custom components tab of Designer.

That might do it?




Former Community Member

if you problem is not solved,could you send the process xml to me ,will take a look and let you know asap

