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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Quick Platform Question


Former Community Member
I have this question into our account rep, but I need a rather quick answer (today) - thus the forum! Thanks in advance.

We are running LiveCycle 7, and will likely upgrade to 9.1 when avaiable. Currently we are running this on WinTel/JBOSS. We would like to move to UNIX-AIX/Websphere. Is that combination supported for LiveCycle 7 and/or 9.1?

Thanks again!
1 Reply


Former Community Member
Aix on websphere has been supported for sometime.

For version 7 we suported AIX 5.1 or 5.2 and Websphere 6.0.2

There is no LC version 9 ....you probably mean LC version 8. Version 8.01 is currently out and 8.2 is due to start Beta shortly.

For LC version 8.01 we support AIX 5.3 and Websphere with Oracle and DB2

Hope that helps