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processFormSubmission and .Net


Former Community Member

I am trying to adapt the quick start for processFormSubmission to work with .Net. I started from the following example..


This example returns the url of the XML data and launches IE to display the xml. This works great without any problem.

Instead of using the url I would rather use the strongly typed objects to get the Blob data back to extract the XML similar to the Quick Start example. When I attempt to use this code path, the binarydata property is not filled with any data.

Can anyone offer a suggestion please?



Quick Start code snippet:

BLOB formOut = formResult.getOutputContent();

//Determine if the form data is ready to be processed

if (processState == 0)


//Determine the content type of the data

String myContentType = formResult.getContentType();

if (myContentType.equals("application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml")){

//Create a byte array using the BLOB object

byte [] formDataOutStream = formOut.getBinaryData();

VB.Net Code Snippet

lcRenderOptionsSpec.locale = "en_US"

' Setting PDF2XDP to true instructs the Forms service to produce XDP output from submitted PDF content.

' By default, the Forms service returns the PDF that is submited. The XDP will contain a PDF packet (base64-encoded).

lcRenderOptionsSpec.PDF2XDP = True

' Instruct the Form service to produce the form's XML data

lcRenderOptionsSpec.XMLData = True

lcRenderOptionsSpec.debugEnabled = True

lcRenderOptionsSpec.exportDataFormat = "XMLData"

lcRenderOptionsSpec.XCI = "pdf/submitFormat=pdf;present/pdf/renderPolicy=server"

lcRenderOptionsSpec.formModel = "server"

lcRenderOptionsSpec.acrobatVersion = "acrobat8.0"

strEnvBuffer = "HTTP_CONNECTION=keep-alive&CONTENT_TYPE=application/pdf&CONTENT_LENGTH=" + System.Convert.ToString(lngContentLength)

strUserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)"

strClickedButton = ""

' Construct BLOB objects

blobOutputXML = New AdobeLiveCycleFormsService.BLOB

blobValidationErrorsList = New AdobeLiveCycleFormsService.BLOB

' ---------------------------------

' Call LiveCycle ES Forms via SOAP

' ---------------------------------

Dim formOut As AdobeLiveCycleFormsService.BLOB


blobResult = lcFormService.processFormSubmission(blobFilleOutForm, strEnvBuffer, strUserAgent, lcRenderOptionsSpec, strClickedButton, blobOutputXML, blobValidationErrorsList, shortAction, objarrAttachments, lcFormsResult)

formOut = lcFormsResult.outputContent

outByteArray = CType((lcFormsResult.outputContent.binaryData), Byte())
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