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Problems With Multiple Page Table


Former Community Member

I have just discovered LiveCycle Designer and need some help. I am trying to create an in depth order form that is 7-8 pages long. I have tried to create it several different ways using tables and not using tables but can't get it right.

The file I have right now is mainly just the structure laid out since I was having so many problems. It is currently in a table that spans across all the pages.

No matter what I have tried, I can't get the tabs to work at all. When I open up the document to preview it, and hit the tab button, it takes me to the first fill-in field which is on the second page but then everything stops there. It isn't recognizing this first field's display pattern and when you click on the tab button again, I just get the error sound.

I have worked on this for 4 days know and am about ready to pull my hair out so any help is greatly appreciated.

You can check out the file by downloading it at http://www.brainiacproductions.com/general_pdf_fillable2.pdf
5 Replies


Former Community Member
Right now your form is a static form. You might try saving it as a dynamic form.

I'm sure why the tabbing is not working in this case on a static form. I wonder if it has something to do with all of the tables.

I don't use tables as a layout tool. I only use tables when I need a table like function such as what you have on page two for the Pricing Worksheet. I use sub forms for the bulk of the layout on my forms.

This looks like the makings of a very nice form.


Former Community Member
I started over and am breaking the pages into smaller chunks using a combination of tables and fields. My simple test seems to be working across the pages so I will make another attempt at designing the entire form (my 10th attempt at least using a variety of programs). If I get it to work, I'll post the finished product here in hopes that it can help other people.

I did come to realize that one of my problems was that I was setting my subform to flowed before I added any content to it - which basically makes it collapse. So now I don't make it flow until I reach the end of the page and that seems to make a big difference.


Former Community Member
I know what you mean on sub forms set to flowed right up front. I fell for that a few times till I figured out to hold off and even how they work and how to add more items to. I have found the best way to a more items to flowing sub forms is to add a sub form set to positioned first and make it big enough so I have room to move elements around.

One thing I have discovered about flowing page sub forms is it seems they are only really useful in dynamic forms where the form needs to grow and shrink. I think if a form doesn't need to do that then static pages should work. Of course most of the forms I have worked on in LCD have been dynamic form and I have only done a couple static forms that didn't go over two pages. Tab order can be a bit tricky to get the hang of.

I really like working with LCD but admit that It took me about a year working with it to really get a feel for the application. I have been working with it since version 7. There is a lot there.

I look forward to seeing the finished form to see how it turns out. Good luck.


Former Community Member
Here is the new form - almost finished. I just have to complete the last two pages which is an order agreement to finish it off.

I know that it probably doesn't follow the formal way to make a form but this is the only way I got it to work.

You can check it out by going to:


I would love to work on the required fields a bit more but can't get the code to work so at least for now, I have a working form.

My only concern is its size. Not sure if I can do anything to reduce it without a lot of work. I haven't actually published the file yet so maybe that will make a difference.


Former Community Member
Fonts can cause the file size to be big. I try and keep with fonts that will be on most machines so I don't have to embed fonts. Complex border treatments do that to. I'm not sure color may be another factor. There is a document that talks about designing forms for best performance. Do a search on the web for the following title.

Best Practices for Improving Performance in Dynamic PDF Forms

It may help.