Hi All - I'm working on some customizations to Workspace one of which is to change the EmbossedNavigator from an HBox to an HDividedBox. This was simple enough (import workspace code, make the change, and recompile). So now I can move the divider between the list view and the content area in "To Do", "Start Process", and "Tracking".
I also want to change the default width of the left side (list view). I'm having no luck doing it. The EmbossedNavigator constructor looks like:
public function EmbossedNavigator()
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.CHANGE, listChangeHandler);
list.width = 210;
list.percentHeight = 100;
list.setStyle("embossOpen", true);
list.setStyle("paddingLeft", 0);
list.setStyle("paddingRight", 0);
list.setStyle("paddingTop", 0);
list.setStyle("paddingBottom", 0);
_leftHandSide.percentHeight = 100;
_leftHandSide.setStyle("verticalGap", 0);
_leftHandSide.setStyle("horizontalAlign", "right");
_rightHandSide.percentHeight = 100;
_rightHandSide.percentWidth = 100;
_rightHandSide.alpha = 0;
verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
So it seemed logical to change the list.width from 210 to my new width. I did this and no change took place.
Anybody tried doing this or have any suggestions? My ultimate goal is to keep the divided box and set a maxWidth on the left side to be say 400, but as I grow/shrink the left side I'd like the list to grow/shrink accordingly.