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Problem with UserTransaction and dataManagem


Level 2
Hi all, after some days of work on dataManagement issue, now
i'm facing a new and exciting challenge. I can read with fill
method, but if i try a delete+commit (exactly like the CRM samples)
i've got this error:

"Unable to access UserTransaction in DataService".

I've googleezed the message and i've found a tech note from
adobe about installation and configuration of JOTm lybraries. I did
actually what they said:

a) I created a "TributiWeb.xml" which contains the
declaration of the transaction

b) I put all the lybraries in tomcat5_5/common/lib

c) i check for the other solutions, like creating two more
configuration files in webApps directory...

Nothing change and i still have the same problem, so please
help me...

Ps i'm working with Tomcat5_5, Jotm2, Flex 2 and
FlexDataManagement Service
3 Replies


Level 2
Here at
you can find links to tech notes and troubleshooting
files and tips that have helped out others in similar


Level 1
I am having the same problem when i try to edit the data grid
to commit the changes. I am using JBoss4.0.5, Spring2.0 services. I
could able to get the data but i get this error when i try to edit
the data. Do i need to configure anything specific for JBoss?

Here is the stack trace.

[RPC Fault faultString="Unable to access UserTransaction in
DataService." faultCode="Server.Processing" faultDetail="null"]

at mx.data::ConcreteDataService/

at mx.data::CommitResponder/fault()

at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()


at mx.messaging::MessageResponder/status()


Level 1
I figured out the problem. I got duplicate jar files in jboss
lib directory and application's web-inf/lib directory. I deleted
the duplicates and everything works fine now.