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Password protection


Level 3
Hello everybody,

just being curious: Is there *any* way to create a document protected with a custom password other than those that are being defined on the server in some security profile?

I would like to use that functionality in a web service client application, but the pre-defined passwords in the security xml seem to be encoded/encrypted using some algorithm that isn't specified anywhere.

I really think this should be possible, because defining an open password on the server seems pretty much useless to me. The user should be able to choose on himself. Is the web console the only way to achieve this?

Thank you very much,

1 Reply


Level 3
Additionaly, the manual states that there is a sample implementation (Web app) that uses the WebService API to create password encrypted files. That sounds like a good starting point, however, the link to that project from the document seems to be broken ...