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Installing LC with JBoss on a clustered Win2003 environment


Former Community Member
I need to install LC using JBoss on a clustered (1 node + failover node) Win2003 environment, and I have several doubts:

- Do I need to configure JBoss for clustering following the instructions on "Configuring LiveCycle ES Application Server Clusters Using JBoss"? Following such leads to LiveCycle not being able to get properly configured with the Configuration Manager... a lot of errors and exceptions get triggered, and Database doesn't get properly initialized.

- Somewhere on that document, at the "Modifying LiveCycle ES configuration files" section, it instructs to add some lines to the adobe-ds.xml file, referring to the "BAM Server Metadata Database", however, I'm installing no BAM Server. It's still necessary to do it??

I can't remember exactly which errors were being thrown by the Configuration Manager and the JBoss startup command line... I'll post them here as soon as I get a chance with the cluster.
10 Replies


Level 4
If you don't plan to use BAM, skip all steps related to BAM.

Do not attempt bootstrapping ("initialize LiveCycle database") until the only excptions you see in the JBoss server.log is related to "VersionEntity table is not found" which is "normal" at this stage of the game.


Former Community Member
OK, so I'm inatalling again from the beginning.

I've setup the jboss folder, and modified the JBoss configuration in order to set it up as two cluster nodes. So far, when starting up the nodes, they recognize each other.

However, this message also appears later on the startup process, and appears whenever there's another node already running:

2008-03-24 18:19:12,652 ERROR [org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing:..--- MBeans waiting for other MBeans ---.ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_PECommandQueue. State: CONFIGURED. I Depend On:. jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager..ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_PEDCommandQueue. State: CONFIGURED. I Depend On:. jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager..ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_PEInteractionQueue. State: CONFIGURED. I Depend On:. jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager..ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_JobManagerQueue. State: CONFIGURED. I Depend On:. jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager..ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_TaskEventTopic. State: CONFIGURED. I Depend On:. jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager..--- MBEANS THAT ARE THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM ---.ObjectName: jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager. State: NOTYETINSTALLED. Depends On Me:. jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_PECommandQueue. jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_PEDCommandQueue. jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_PEInteractionQueue. jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_JobManagerQueue. jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=adobe_TaskEventTopic..

Is this normal?? I recall that's the only error that appears until trying to bootstrap the database.

This time I'm wiping out the jboss folder (A JBoss with no clustering, it went smooth) and copying the clustered-configured JBoss folder instead. Should I skip the DB Bootstrapping when running the configuration manager?? (Can I use the already initialized database?)


Level 4
It is not "normal".

If this only occurs if another node is running, I suggest working with only one node for now, bootstrapping and getting everything working on one node first. You can then figure out the cluster issues with additional nodes.


Level 4
For a cluster, the adobe-service.xml file should be in /server/all/deploy-hasingleton/jms/


Former Community Member
OK It seems it's finaly going error-free now. I was previously copying the adobe-service.xml instead of moving it (it was already at the "deploy/jms" folder) and that was causing trouble... but forgot to move it again when making a fresh start of the whole thing.

Now I'm stuck configuring the adobe-pof.properties file, right here:


#UDP properties to be used with JBoss cluster patched with JGroups 2.3 since TCP will not work

# (1) replace #multicast_address# with an address such that it does not conflict with other clusters on the same subnet. E.g.

# (2) replace #multicast_port# with a valid port number E.g. 34777




Which IP and Port should I specify? is it the current cluster node's IP + port 3477? a new IP?

Thanks... i feel I'm very close to set this thing right!


Former Community Member
Does it has to do with the configuration lines at the "deploy/cluster-service.xml" configuration regarding the UDP Multicast configs? Should I place the same IP + PORT specified on this file?


Level 4
In adobe-pof.properties, make sure TCP is commented out.

Use UDP.

Change the UDP settings. For example:


Make sure the location of this file is provided to the JVM as an argument. See here for details:



Former Community Member

I need make the same that Roberto, install Lc on a clustered enviroment with 2003 server and i have more doubts:

1-Where i have to install the mysql database?

2-To configure Jboss for each node, i have to modify some archives, and create db connection, right. After this, i have to copy Jboss server directory for each node, but how can i start the servers?

3- After the jboss works, wich are the next steps.



Level 4
Hi Hugo,<br />1-You had better install mysql database on a machine other than cluster nodes.<br />2-It is recommended to enable TCP caching before starting applicaiton server; it is described in installation guide. To start nodes: run.bat -c all -b <node_IP><br />3-Check the logs if the nodes are started successfully.<br /><br />Oguz<br />www.kgc.com.tr