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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Importing a project with different name


Former Community Member
Hello all,

I have one question. Lets I have a production environment and development environment. There is a project on production env, PA. The same project is there in dev env, DA. Both are same projects.

Now I want to import the project from prod env, PA to my dev env. Since there is already existing project with the same name, when i import it, it'll be overwritten.

So I want to import the project from prod to dev with a different name. Is it possible. Please let me know how can i do that.


2 Replies


Level 10
You could create a new version. So when you'll import it in Production you'll also have a new version and you won't get conflicts.

It'll also allow you to revert back to an older version if you need to.



Former Community Member
Hello Jasmin,

Thanks for your suggetion.

One basic question i need to ask. As you said, if I create a new version, then what about the shared resources? I think both the versions of the project will be pointing to the same resources. Right?

You might have wrongly understood my question, it is taking export from the production server and importing it on the dev env. I cant create versions on the production environment. Dev already contains a process which i dont want to disturb. I want a fresh copy of the process from prod to dev. Cant i do any thing while importing?

One more thing i noticed today, while doing so is, i exported the project from prod, imported it on the dev. The thing is, the process is unaltered, even the XML schema is unaltered. One thing got changed was, the pdf file has been changed to what i have in prod. Do i have to do anything explicitly after importing?

Please give suggetions to all my doubts.

Thanks well in advance
