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Just another shortcoming of those forms and LC designer in general I guess...
Unable to add page because followed the steps from the wizard.
After two days of work & fine tuning I can just start over because I want to add a page :-\
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The clue when importing a pdf into Adobe Lifecycle in order to generate a new Page, is to drag and drop the pages that Adobe Lifecycle generates under the section Pages into the section named (Master Pages).
Then you will be able to add as many pages as you want.
Be good!!
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Here's what I'm going to try.
Create the second page as a separate form.
Open the original form (page 1).
When you're not in Edit Form mode, you can add a page from a file. So, add the 2nd page and it should become a 2-page form.
I haven't tried this, but maybe it will work.I can't believe how difficult it is to use this software sometimes. It could be made much more user-friendly.
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I don't know what the official Adobe process is on this but here is what I I have run into the same issue. I'm learning LiveCycle with docs and some level of trial and error.
You will see that LiveCycle has added a new page to the end of your document. Depending on how long your doc is ot the number of elements, you may want to collapse all of your pages in this view by selection the [-] icon next to each page. Find the new page whish has been added at the bottom of the list.Drag and drop it into the your desired insert position in your doc.
I have not tried to add an external page; Just tried blank.
Hope this helps somewhat.
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Try this:
Add a footer to your page. Add two buttons (ADD & DELETE) to the footer.
On the click event of the ADD button (javascript):
if (form1.page1._body.count > 1) {
form1.page1.footer.deleteBtn.presence = "visible";
else {
form1.page1.footer.deleteBtn.presence = "hidden";
body is the name of my subform on page1.
On the click of the Delete:
if (form1.page1._body.count > 1) {
form1.page1.footer.deleteBtn.presence = "visible";
else {
form1.page1.footer.deleteBtn.presence = "hidden";
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What worked for me was to:
1) Open the form already developped in Adobe Acrobat and extract all pages to a new document. All form fields are still working in the new document
2) Once the new document opens up, add a new page and continue developping the form...
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Solution works 100%
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Thank you so much - this worked after so many headaches trying to figure this out! I was about to have to recreate a 3 page job applicationin word and recreate all the form fields
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Back again, having completely forgotten that I posted on this issue, but once again needing to insert a page in Design View. Still can't get it to work, although I haven't tried MayseG's solution - a last resort for me, I think. So meanwhile ... to repeat ... ISN'T ANYONE AT ADOBE GOING TO COMMENT ON THIS ISSUE?
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I tried the duplicate again and followed through to the point where I was trying to fill in the form. It seems to work for me, and all the inserted pages (within fields in them) show up in Print Preview. Can't think why it didn't work for you, 8i010g1x, but <sarcasm>perhaps someone from Adobe will look at it </sarcasm>.
I also tried Shrutiaman's suggestion and that also worked for me (ie do Add PAge to get a new subform then move the subform down to where you want it.
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It works!
Thank you so much!
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Hi Lise,
About this issue I want to add a page to a form how did you get this working?
Please let me know.
Ed Boon
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I'm no Adobe Guru but the following worked for me. Basically a modification of Catherine Zidane's method above. Note that I had an original form I generated in LiveCycle from a PDF. Then realized I needed to add pages to it and had the same issues noted in this thread.
1. First I generated the extra pages I wanted to add in Word, converted to PDF through the Adobe print function, then ran through LiveCycle Designer (version 8) and saved it as an Acrobat 8 static PDF form. Not sure if any of that matters, but want to put it all out there.
2. Opened LiveCycle and clicked whatever that icon at the top right of the page is called that expands the program to fill the entire computer screen.
3. Opened my original PDF form in LiveCycle and clicked that icon again so it was a small box in the big screen of LiveCycle
4. Opened my extra pages PDF I previously ran through LiveCycle and clicked that icon again. Point being you want to be able to see the two documents easily.
5. Clicked on my original PDF to choose it. Then clicked on Window and selected Hierarchy
6. To make it easier for me to view, I went to the panel on the left and collapsed all the page data in the Hierarchy view by clicking on the "-" in each page box. Hope that makes sense. This left me with only a few items showing.
7. Clicked on the last page of my form that was visible in the Hierarchy box. This highlighted it.
8. Clicked on Edit and selected duplicate. A duplicate last page appeared
9. Scrolled to that duplicated page in the LiveCycle document and select all the data on that page...but only that page. I did this by using the ol' draw a box with your mouse so that it includes all the boxes of the page. This will highlight them. original form had page numbers at the bottom right. I did not highlight this one box so I could use it later.
10. Right click within that box you drew and choose delete
11. Now you should have your original document with a blank page at the end. In my case a blank page with a page number text box.
12. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to generate as many blank pages as you need to add. No more deleting needed as you are copying the blank page you made.
13. Click on your extra pages document. Draw the box as in step 9, but include ALL the boxes on that page so they are all selected.
14. Go to Edit and select copy
15. Click on your original document and then click on the first blank page in that Hierarchy box on the left to highlight it.
16. Go to Edit and select paste.
17. Voila! You have just added a useful page to your original document. Well...sometimes voila. Worked great for my first page. The other ones were all off in terms of margins so right after pasting I had to drag it with my mouse while everything was still highlighted to get the top margin and left margin right.
18. Change the page numbers in the text boxes to reflect proper page number if applicable.
19. Save as Adobe 8 static PDF form
Sorry so long. But I wanted to capture the process as best as I could. Hope it works for you.
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This is unbelievable! Isn't someone from Adobe going to comment on this problem?
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